Wednesday, October 16, 2024

What Autumn Brings

We anticipate the arrival of autumn and then the cold air sweeps through and it becomes a debate if it's too soon to turn on the heat in the house.  The sky gets darker earlier and it confuses my mind into thinking it's time for bed when it's only 6:00pm.  The chill reaches my bones and makes me want to nestle under a blanket where there is warmth to be found.  I'm not a cold weather person; however, I appreciate the beauty that's to be found in the Pennsylvania autumn season with its changing colored leaves.  

And with fall comes the much need for a hot cup of coffee to start the morning. 

And a craving for a hot bowl of soup in the evening.

As I was warming up the school van this morning the radio announced that by this weekend temperatures will reach back up to the 70s.  Halleluiah!  I'll take it.  One thing we have yet to do as a family so far this October is a traditional pumpkin and apple picking.  I'm hoping we can squeeze that into our schedule.  

How are you enjoying these cooler Autumn days?  

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Hello Sunshine

 With the many days of constant rain I was preparing to look up Noah's blueprints on how to build an ark when suddenly this beautiful yellow ball of brightness appeared in the sky.  One of my students I drive to school looked out the window and spoke the exact words I had been thinking, "Look there's the sun.  I haven't seen that in awhile."  

Thank you Lord for all the rain that came after a summer drought here in Pennsylvania but I am most grateful for the sunshine that has now appeared reminding us of Your goodness.  

With the sunshine and dried grass came the sounds of many lawnmowers in the neighborhood.  I had to put the wheels up as high as it would go but I did get the job done in the front yard.  Tomorrow I'll navigate the back.  When my husband and I bought our house about twenty years ago I told him I wanted to be the one to mow the lawn.  With his arthritis I decided to help him out.  Plus, it gives me a reason to keep my body moving while getting some Vitamin D.  I've always loved being outdoors.  

Now let's pull some weeds.  Anyone have any ideas on how to permanently keep these prickly things from growing?  

Monday, September 30, 2024

Last Day of September

 Greetings on this rainy last day of September.  It has rained for about a week and as much as I want to complain about it I can't help but realize I'm much luckier than what those in the southeast are dealing with right now.  My heart breaks for everyone that had been in the path of the hurricane; the lives lost, the homes and businesses destroyed, and all it's going to take to rebuild and heal.  

Where did September go?  This month has been busy, busy, busy rushing from one place to another.  It really feels like most of my time is spent in a vehicle, whether it's my work van or my own personal car but it's okay.  As I say over and over again, it's only a season that will not last.  

Even when it's busy I make sure to take moments in the day to snuggle with the puppy.  Notice a fall decoration?  Yes, we are now officially in autumn and I'm glad.  You also can tell by the blanket who my husband and son support in football.  I know, I know, they had to change their name but my husband refuses to call them anything but the Redskins.  They were and always will be that.  

On Friday evening my husband and daughter went to the away football game to see our team win and our son perform with the band at the halftime show.  I always regret missing those moments but I needed the rest.  There will be several home games left and I will be at each one of those.  Saturday morning our boy was up early and at the school to take the bus to Carlisle where he ran in another cross country invitational.  

Then a few hours later he was back at the school to get on the bus again to head to another town for band where they joined five other schools for a Band Show.  I dropped my daughter off at a friend's for a sleepover and was able to relax with Rob until it was time to head to the show.  We are just so grateful for our son's hard work so far this year.  

I wish I could be more consistent in my blogging but I know not many read it anyway.  It's nice to have a place to jot down my thoughts but sometimes I wonder if it's even worth it anymore.  It's always been a nice outlet but I also have to focus on housework and life.  

And I did manage to sew the ribbons on my daughter's pointe shoes.  She had difficulty on her first class but it's an adjustment for every dancer.  

On Sunday we went to church and then spent the rest of the day relaxing and enjoying a day of doing nothing.  It was wonderful!  This cutie enjoyed the quality time as well.  

This morning after my van run I went grocery shopping and now I'm home to finish up on laundry and whatever else I can get done before it's time to get back in my van to bring the three boys home.  Then it's home to make dinner and head to the dance studio.  I also have to remember to wish my sister a happy birthday!  

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Busy Season

As I sat in the waiting room of the dentist office this morning I was speaking to the receptionist, who is also the dentist's wife, about the busyness that comes along with motherhood.  Her children are grown and out of the home and our conversation reminded me that the chaos of my current schedule will someday be a thing of the past.  Someday the house will be empty of kids and clutter and I won't have to run from one direction to another.  I consider myself blessed beyond measure to have all that I have.  It's not perfect and I find myself struggling more often than not but each season of life is precious and passes quickly by.  If you're a new mom, finding yourself struggling through the long, sleepless nights with fussy babies just know it will pass.  If you have a stubborn toddler throwing tantrums it will pass.  If you are in the midst of raising school aged children trying to get them to focus on better grades and cleaner rooms (I'm here now) it will pass.  Every season, the good and bad, will not last.  So, hang in there, Mama!  You got this!  

And here's a few pictures from my current season of life.  Cross country meets, marching band performances, sneaking a peak as my daughter and the rest of the ballet class learn how to sew the ribbon on their pointe shoes, and enjoying family time with shopping and ice cream.  It's been busy ... but it's been good!