Seasons Change

It's amazing how quickly time goes and how different each season of life is!  I often think about each of those seasons that have past, the current one I'm in, and what's yet to come.  Each of those seasons has had plenty of ups and downs.  Lately, I've been finding that the devil is reminding me of all the downs and has made me question a lot of things.  I don't enjoy these thoughts and refuse to allow it to consume me.   Instead, I just want to focus on the good each season of life has brought.   The memories, the lessons.  There's great value in knowing that the experiences I've had created the person I am now.  Am I proud of that person?  No, not entirely!  Do I still have more to learn?  Absolutely.   But I know I'll get there.  

In the meantime, I'm learning to be in the moment.  In the midst of this season, which involves busy schedules and constant chaos, I will cherish it.  It won't be long until my kids are grown and I'll be in a new season.  A quieter, less active one.  One where my house will be clean because I will have the time to give it attention.   A time where I'll be back to a full-time career and enjoying cozier nights and weekends at home.  Lord willing, that will be a future season.  For now, it's rushing from one thing to the next and getting through whatever cleaning I can get done and not flip out about what I can't get to.  When I'm in a new season I'll miss the old one, as is always the case for me.  So, I'm here in this moment and being more intentional.  I'm also striving to find joy in the ordinary and peace in the middle of the chaos.  

10 Miles


My son and I ventured early Saturday morning with some of the boy scouts to do a 10-mile hike.  I was feeling confident it wouldn't be as difficult as the 20-mile one we did last spring but I was wrong.  This hike was in a different area with a tougher terrain than the longer hike.  Walking up and down a rocky path was hard on my feet as well as my left knee.  I'm still feeling it.  I was happy to join on the hike, especially knowing these hikes would be impossible for my husband to do for physical reasons.  It was just disappointing to be the only mother along, most fathers weren't there either, just two.  He has two more 10-mile and a 15-mile to complete the hiking merit badge but I'm afraid he'll be on his own for those.  It's the next day and my body is still aching.  

We took a few short breaks and stopped at 5-miles for a lunch break.  I listened as the boys went on and on about video games, history, and football.  All things that are of interest to my son but that boy didn't say one word the entire time.  He didn't even speak to me when I talked to him.  
I don't know why, but Matthew has never been one to join in on conversations with others.  He seems to have anxiety when being around people.  Even lately, when my father asks him a question he will look at me with this fear in his face.  In school he will raise his hand and answer questions and I think he's starting to speak up to his teachers when something is wrong.  He also seems to communicate fine with kids younger than him.  He's small for his age and he also has a speech problem so I wonder if that's his reasoning for not being sociable.  At home he goes on and on and on and I think he's quite funny and very smart.  I don't think anyone would have a problem listening to him talk but he's just afraid to.  This is something I've noticed since he was in preschool but as he's older it seems to be worse and more noticeable.  

I love this kid!  He's smart and has such an interest in history.  Last night he requested that we watch The Boy in the Striped Pajamas.  He's also excellent in math as well as talented with sports and music.  I'm so glad he's the kind of teen who still wants to hang out with his parents and is not one to join in with the crowd.  As I'm typing this he's on his laptop reading out loud all of these unusual and interesting facts.  I am truly proud of him and I know whatever it is he decides to do with his future he's going to excel at.  I just worry so much about his social anxiety and how stressed he makes himself.  When school was back to in person after the Covid shut down he was starting at a new building, the middle school.  It's when masks were required.  It really frustrated him and he was having a hard time wearing a mask and adjusting to the changes.  There was also a problem with his work on the iPad going to the teachers'.  That's when both the migraines and eye tics started.  Now he gets himself so worked up in the morning before school knowing that the loud classes are going to give him headaches.  Then he gets them.  That's not to say these migraines don't start on their own.  Once in awhile, on a weekend, we'll be home hanging out and he'll dim the lights and tell us to keep it down as he buries his head in the pillow.  I often show my frustration but it's not at him, he can't help it, it's because as a mother it's so difficult watching as he's going through something I can't magically fix.  I cry out to God most mornings asking to bring him relief and I wonder if He's listening.  Matthew gets frustrated, believing no one understands what he's going through and yet he doesn't know how much I cry and plead with God over him.  I don't understand why people, especially children, have to go through pain.  The hardest thing is not understanding why my child has to suffer.  

I worry so much about him.  I want him to enjoy his life and I want him to have a successful future.  He's my son, the one who made me a mother.  The one who taught me that love at first sight is real.  The precious baby I spent many nights trying to get to sleep and many days at home playing with and watching him learn new things is now experiencing pain.  Also, seeing how he has developed a serous anxiety when it comes to socializing.  He's a good young man who was given this life with a purpose.  Maybe his current suffering will be something he can utilize in the future.  There are reasons why God allows pain, reasons we may not be able to see in the moment.  I understand that, but still, it's difficult when it's your child.  

I don't always make the best effort when it comes to helping him.  I wonder if I should take him to a different neurologist for a second opinion on how to help, or try cognitive therapy as suggested by his current one.  Do I pull the plug on this idea that sending him to in person school is best and transfer him back to the online charter school he was doing the last few years?   His father and my father have been fussing about the importance of keeping him in person so he learns those social skills but if he hasn't learned them yet and if he continues with these migraines and eye tics maybe learning from the comfort of his home in silence would be of benefit.  I can't seem to get his father to agree and that causes anxiety for me.  

God, heal my son and give me strength and wisdom as we decide what is best and how to help!  I love that boy more than he'll ever know.  

Fun In October

 "I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers" 
                                     -- Anne of Green Gables

I'm sure I've already used that quote on my blog in previous years, but it's one that I love from one of my favorite childhood movies.  

This has been a wonderful weekend filled with proud moments and fun family times.  

Yesterday morning I dropped Bri off for her district-wide choral concert which I got to watch at 2pm.  My parents joined.  My son had a double-header, one at 2 and the other at 4.  We made it in time to watch the end of the first game.  

The concert featured the 5th graders, middle and high schoolers and they all did a great job.  What was annoying was the people behind me who talked the entire time.  I don't understand why people insist on talking during a show.  These kids work hard and deserve our attention.  So, please, next time you are attending a recital save your conversating for after.  

Matthew's team won both games and they were the last of the regular season.  In a few weeks start the playoffs.  My poor son continues to deal with migraines and eye tics.  His neurologist started him on a new prescription and I hope it works.  The poor boy missed a day of school last week.  As he's on the field I can see his quick movements of the head as his eyes roll.  It's quite frustrating for him.  The doctor said there is no cure for tics and I've even found that out in my own research.  Hopefully they go away on it's own.

Today we slept in, missing church, yet again.  It was nice to have a morning of just relaxing on the couch sipping coffee and not rushing.  After lunch we decided to play a game of bowling, where I somehow ended up straining my wrist.  Also, I'm not very good at bowling.  

   Then we headed to a local orchard to pick some pumpkins and gourds.  The kids had a blast.  

Having an enjoyable weekend only leads us to dread the week of school and work ahead.  My son already made a comment about how is not looking forward to tomorrow.  I'm not either, if we're being honest.  



Oh, look at that innocent baby!  The years went by so fast.  This weekend I celebrated my 44th birthday.  It amazes me just how quickly time went by.  It feels like yesterday I was 21, having just graduated from business school.  

The day started early at my son's baseball game followed by another one.  The team lost both but I got treated by seeing my son pitch for two innings.  Pitching isn't something he does often and it was nice the coach let him take a chance.  He's outside every day practicing with his pitch-back net.  Watching him on the mound was the highlight to my day.

My parents came over later and we celebrated with a cake my husband and daughter made.  That girl loves to bake.  It was a delicious red velvet cake with vanilla frosting and a little fondant.  

I was given a new laptop as a gift and I'm typing on it right now.  I'm excited to get back into my writing.  I actually have a few manuscripts started and feeling frustrated as I'm not sure which one to run with first.  It's been a long process.

Today is Columbus Day where me and the kids have a day off.  The day is catching up on cleaning and phone calls.  Maybe a little fun later.

No, I'm not sharing a current picture of me.  I gained weight.  Have scars from skin cancer surgeries.  

I've let myself go.  I can factor in laziness as an excuse to not exercising.  It's also been lack of time and stress.  I want to do better.  I need to.  As I'm quickly approaching middle age it's important that I become serious with taking care of myself.  It's not for vanity but for health.  I keep telling myself I'll start and then I procrastinate.  I'll start tomorrow, then tomorrow comes and ... 

I'm starting today!  

Way To Go #99

 I admit I'm not a die hard Yankees fan.  I don't pay attention to every game and I don't know every player on the team.  But it's the team I cheer for.  Growing up on Long Island it was either the Yankees or Mets.  In my home it was always the Bronx Bombers.  

Last night I only saw the recap and how cool it was to see their outfielder break another record.  Well deserved.  

Pretty cool when we get to live in a moment, a good moment, that will be historic.   One my son can tell his grandchildren he saw when it happened.  

So Rainy

It's been a rainy time here in Pennsylvania since Friday night.   With the catastrophe Hurricane Ian left behind in Florida I'm thankful rain is all we are getting.  My heart breaks for the people down south.   I've watched live updates on Facebook from content creators I have been following and it's so devastating.   

This cold and rainy weather reminds me of when the kids were tiny and I was fully a stay-at-home mom.  We would snuggle under a blanket on the couch and watch a movie while sipping hot chocolate.   I certainly craved a day like that today.  Instead, we all hustled out the door early for school and work.  I ran register and cleaned up after messy elementary kids.  Now it's time for house cleaning, running errands and continuous busyness until later this evening when I can shower, slip into pajamas and slip under the blanket until falling asleep.  

First Day of October


That was definitely the case for Pennsylvania.   

I admire the bloggers who have the ability to describe autumn as the most coziest, joyful time of the year.  It truly is a pretty season and it's quite wonderful for those who take appreciation for the cooler temperatures.   Every year at this time my body and mind have trouble adjusting to the temperature change and shorter days.  The other evening I crawled under the covers on the couch and fought the urge to sleep even though I did end up dozing off for a short time.  Our air conditioner has been turned off and we have yet to turn the heat on.  It's the time of year I definitely crave warmth.  Today it's raining outside and I am thankful for no plans aside from housework.

Yesterday we cleared the backyard.  I still have to dig up the garden and that will happen on a dryer day.  I covered the patio couch. 

How depressing this looks.  But I know it won't be long before the hot air comes back and we can uncover it and replant another garden.  

Today, on the 1st of October I'm remembering my grandpa who would have been 99 years old.  In just one week I'll be celebrating my birthday.   The older I get the more appreciative I am about life but the more I miss the time that's gone.  So many of my loved ones have already entered heaven's gates and my own life is just whizzing by.  It's been a bittersweet experiencing watching as my kids are growing up.  The teen years are hard and I often find myself craving to have them little again.  But just like each season of the year, I have to learn to let the past go and grow along with the changes.  It's quite difficult but very much worth it.  

Also, taking a moment to appreciate this old black pug of ours on what I just found out is National Black Dog Day.
They have a day for everything, don't they?

Wishing October blessings apon you, my friend!