It's May

 "He has made everything beautiful in its time" -- Ecclesiastes 3:11

I'm so happy May has arrived and so have these beautiful lilacs.  

After a winter of cold weather and bare trees these fresh blooms remind me that good things will always come to those who wait patiently.  

I'm feeling grateful today.  

Busy Weekend, Nostalgia Creeping In

 On Friday I rushed home from work, picked up my daughter and then we went to the high school to watch our boy in action.  For the first time this season they allowed him to pitch.  He put in his best effort but the fielders were not helping so he left feeling very angry at the defeat.  

Saturday was another baseball game but since I had to drop Bri off for a quick dance rehearsal I was only able to make the last half.  They won!  That makes 2 wins this year so far.  

Sunday's beautiful weather called for outdoor time after church and a stop for some ice cream after dinner.  

My son said, "Mom, why are you always taking pictures for Instagram?"  I said it wasn't for Instagram.  I left out the part about putting it on the blog.  They don't even know I have this but hopefully one day they'll be able to read through it ... and laugh at how ridiculous their mom was.  

Today we are back to Monday and it's a hot one.  It's supposed to reach 84 degrees.  I mowed the front lawn quickly after my morning van run.  For the rest of the day it's laundry, cleaning and then dropping my boy off to school for his 5th period elective before he's on the bus with the other players for their double-header game this evening.  This season of life is very busy but I remind myself that when things settle down I will look back and miss it.  

I'm already looking back and missing the years when my kids were small.  When they were home with me and we would enjoy the slow-paced days.  I came across this picture today.  For some reason, this time of year nostalgia hits hard.  

The middle and high school years are so difficult.  Although there is so much good with this season, it's been less enjoyable helping them through their teen years than it was when they were little.  I'm really struggling with missing those little ones and it's affecting my mood as I raise them as they are now.  If I can only hold their tiny bodies in my arms again.  It's been a long time since I heard my son say he loves me.  I just wish for the simpler days again.    


 Every Friday when I was little my mom would wake me up for school and shout, "TGIF!"  I am so glad today is Friday.  It's been a busy week and one that felt like it was going both slow and fast all at the same time.  

My daughter's dance classes are Monday, Tuesday and Thursday each week and she's there for quite a few hours.  This was observation week where we could step in and watch the last 10 minutes of each class.  She does ballet, pre-pointe, jazz/lyrical, praise, tap, theater jazz and I think modern as well.  Yes, it's a lot but she loves it and I love watching her shine.  I was able to get a preview of each dance they'll be performing during the June show and although it still needs work I know it'll be great by then.  

Yesterday before dance I watched my son's baseball game.  He did awesome and even made a hit getting him to first base.  He was able to make it home but it didn't count since someone else had gotten the third strike.  Ugh!  That's always annoying.  But seeing him do well, and shout encouragement to his other teammates shows just how far he's come.  That shy little boy is slowly coming out of his shell  

I did spend some time yesterday sitting on a heating pad because my lower back and butt has been hurting for some reason.  I told my son I guess I'm at the age where I'm going to get pains from not doing anything.  I called myself old, to which he replied, "You're not old, Mom.  You have another 25 years before you're old."  Well, thank you!  I spent that down time writing ... that never ending process of my novel.  I also wrote my first write-up yesterday for my new girl.  In my first year as a van driver it has taken me until the end of April to do a write-up so it's not bad.  I knew from the first day I had her this week she would be my biggest challenge but I'm hoping things calm down.  Safety is my first priority and she's not making safe choices.  

I'm looking forward to a weekend of taking my daughter to a dance rehearsal on Saturday, hopefully making it in time to see the last half of my son's ball game and then spending the rest of the weekend cleaning and relaxing.  

My hubby isn't feeling well today, since yesterday, so if you could throw a prayer up for him it would be appreciated.  

I hope my wonderful reader friends have an awesome weekend!  Thanks for sticking around with me.  

"Tuesdays Are The Worst"

 Actually, I don't think that.  One of the students I take to school said that this morning.  I told her at least it's not Monday.  Her and the other student said they like Friday the best.  How could I not agree with that one? 

It's a perfect spring morning as far as the weather goes.  The sun is shining and the birds are chirping.  It's not too hot and it's also not cold.  Pennsylvania, you did not disappoint today!  

It's crazy to think we are inching closer to the last full month of school for the year.  I know my kids are ready for vacation.  I love my job as a van driver but this morning was a wee bit of a challenge.  I now take students to a school that is designed for kids who have been expelled from their public school.  The one student I started to take, a middle schooler my daughter knows, is an absolute sweetheart.  The new girl I began driving yesterday is going to be my challenge.  Tomorrow I began taking someone else, as well.  Three kids together.  Then I have my two girls to elementary school, the one can have a bit of an attitude towards the other and I reprimanded her on that today.  It was rough but then one of the teachers came out and handed this to me, two cookies with a note that says "We would crumble without our amazing bus drivers.  Thank you for all your hard work."  And that made everything worth it.  Also, a text message from my boss last week saying that he's glad I'm part of their company.  It's those little things that make the challenges worth continuing.  

And today in Pennsylvania it's primary voting day!  One of the girls in my van spotted a church with a lot of people and several signs so she was questioning about it.  I liked having a chance to explain the voting process to her and what the primary voting day is for.  I went in and did my part.  My husband is working at the polls helping our friend who is running for our state representative.  My fingers are crossed and prayers are being sent it's in God's will for Zak.  If not, God has something else in mind and that's okay, too.  

This is observation week at my daughter's dance studio.  Parents have 10 minute slots for each class where we can come in and watch them rehearse the dances they are doing for the June show.  My son also has a baseball game every day this week, but because of my daughter's dance schedule I am only able to make the home games later in the week.  If only I had the ability to split myself in two.  Any other moms ever feel that way?  If you've discovered the secret of being at two places at once I'd love to hear it.  

It's a busy Tuesday but, no, it's not the worst.  

Rough Morning

 It was a rough morning.  A very tearful one.  This has actually been a very tough school year.  I've been praying so much and feel a spiritual war going on in my mind.  It's hard to even know what is God's voice and what is Satan's, to be honest.  I'm feeling confused, lost and alone but know we will get on the other side.  I just have to go through the storm first.  

I told my husband that I wanted to make no plans for this weekend.  Use the time to be together as a family and take a break from the busyness of life.  We also have many home projects and cleaning that needs done.  

In better, yummier news, I made this Pillsbury cinnamon swirl dessert this week.  I've made it a few times before and used a loaf pan but this time I decided to use an 8x8 dish.  I also poured the cinnamon sugar in the middle leaving none for the top, my mistake, but still delish.  Everyone in my family enjoys it, especially the younger one who is often a picky eater.  

Wishing you all a happy Friday and a good weekend ahead!  


 Last Saturday we spent the day at our county's minor league field to watch as Matthew, along with his teammates, played against another team for a "PINK OUT" game in support of breast cancer awareness.  That's my number 37, who got walked and eventually ran home, scoring one for the team.  Unfortunately, we lost by 4 but it was an incredible experience.  

This boy isn't the greatest player on the team but I'd say he's one of the hardest working ones.  He dedicates himself to the game and has such a passion for the sport.  Even after coming home from a game or practice he goes right outside to our backyard to play some more.  Or he's playing a baseball game on the Playstation, that still counts, right?  Having a teenager reminds me that the time I have with him at home is getting shorter by the day so I'm embracing these moments that will one day be a memory.  

Another Rainy Morning

 This morning we had a new visitor at our front door.  Let me introduce you to my new friend ... 

Such a cute little toad seeking shelter from the rain.  It also reminded me I did not do a very good job at putting the hose away.  

Well, we have certainly been experiencing April showers here.  There is no fear of a drought, that's for sure.  As I watched birds swoop down onto the ground and take sips from the puddles it reminded me of the necessity of rain.  I'm thankful.  Nature surely is beautiful, thanks be to God.  

So Far In April

 I have to begin to say, my little absence from the blog world has not been intentional.  The days get busy and time goes by so fast.  It meant a lot when Billie Jo checked up on me, thank you!  

April started with a lot of rain.  I thought I was going to have to start building a boat.  Rainy days were meant for snuggling.  

Then we were blessed with sunshine and warm weather.  Finally!

And a solar eclipse!  

We already had the glasses from the last solar eclipse six years ago.  They make a big deal out of how these eclipses only happen several years in between but I'm pretty convinced they happen more than we realize, and more than they are announced.  As a child astronomy was one of my favorite subjects.  My father bought me a telescope, which I still have.  I loved learning about all of the planets and at night I would just lay under the stars and become so mesmerized by the beauty of God's creation.  

Baseball is in full swing and I just love watching my boy on that field.  

I've been doing a lot of praying.  Praying for my children and what to do with them next year.  I have been feeling this desire to take them out of in person public school and allow them to do it through cyber.  Schools today are filled with ... blah ... too much to name.  I don't want to take away some of the experiences they receive by being there but a lot of it just isn't worth it.  I've also been praying about what direction to take with my daughter's dance company.  She loves it there and does not want to leave but it's disheartening to continue paying high prices for a place that is becoming greedy, also a lot of dancers are becoming snooty.  If you want to be part of the cool group you need to be an owner of a Stanley Cup.  Really?  I've never been trendy nor have I ever judged a person on how they look or what they have.  My kids are the same.  I will not spend a high price on a water bottle just because of it's popularity.  It's ridiculous to me.  

There are a lot of exciting things happening in the coming weeks and months and I'll try my best to document as much of it as I can.  

Spring Into Action

 The first moment of spring arrives tonight at 11:06pm.  It's terribly cold outside and we woke up to a little bit of snow falling.  Last week's 70 degrees was just a teaser, I guess.  Tonight we will be sitting in the bitterness while watching Matthew's first home game of the season.  

And with springtime comes a very busy time.  Only a few months left of school, my daughter will be having extra rehearsal time for her June show and my son's baseball season is in full swing (pun intended).  I admire those who live a more relaxed life but that is not us.  Maybe someday.  I wanted my kids to be active as they grew up but then I wonder if we've put too much on them.  I certainly don't want lazy kids but maybe they are too active for what it really should be.  Today my husband will go from work, to the game, to the school board meeting, without a break in between.  It's a lot but someday I know we'll be empty nesters sitting in a quiet, empty home and reflecting back on those busier days and feeling pretty thankful we made our way through them.  

On Saturday I took Bri to a local farm that allows people to come visit the baby animals, for a small fee.  She loves pigs so when I heard there were going to be 5-day old piglets I couldn't resist.  She got to hold pigs, goats, puppies and a tiny guinea pig.  There were also chicks and ducks and a calf.  The place became way too crowded and the poor animals seemed stressed and overwhelmed.  I could not help but feel so sad for them.  All for public entertainment and profit for the farm.  

I will say, this first picture is my absolute favorite.  This piglet fell asleep in her arms.  They all seemed at ease with her.  

Also, as I hoped I could wait an entire year for another mammogram they called and said they saw something and wanted me to come back for another one.  Since it was my first time and they had nothing to compare it to they just wanted to take precaution, and this is common for many.  So, yesterday I was back again to check out the right breast for a mammogram and an ultrasound.  They think they saw a small cyst but are not worried.  Just want me back in 6 months to see if there's any change.  That wasn't fun but I'm glad it's over for now.  

Signs of Spring

 4 days to go!  


Yesterday was Pi Day.  If you are a math geek like my husband you'll understand what that means but if you're more like me then you use the day as an excuse to eat pie.  Pizza pie and pudding pie!  

Here is my pudding pie recipe.  It was enjoyed by all.  This time I did not add the cool whip to the top and left that on the side for everyone to scoop on their slice if wanted.  My son doesn't like whipped cream.  I also add chocolate chips.  I did one chocolate and one banana cream.  

4-Ingredient Whipped Pudding Pie


1 box instant pudding (any flavor)

2 cups milk

1 graham cracker pie crust

1 8-ounce tub of whipped topping


1. Whisk the pudding with the milk, according to the directions on the package.

2.  Pour half of the pudding mix into the prepared pie crust.

3.  Fold half of the whipped topping into the remaining pudding mix.  Pour that mixture over the top of the pudding mix in the crust.

4.  Refrigerate for at least one hour

5.  Top with the remaining whipped topping and serve.

6.  Refrigerate leftovers.  

It's very simple to make and tastes delicious.  Enjoy!  


On This Windy Monday

 This is my current view this morning.

Don't let this adorableness fool you.  She had a lot of puppy energy this morning.  She can be a lot of work but she's also too cute when bundled up in dreamland.  I do realize this poor girl could use a partner so bringing another dog into the home may be a future plan.  Just not another husky.  

My daughter has been in bed all morning continuing to fight her sickness.  She said she feels the same as Friday.  The doctor said she should start getting better today.  I guess not.  My son is in his room working on school work.  Later in the day I will drop him off at the school for his piano class and then he's joining the other baseball players on the bus for a scrimmage game out of town.  I was looking forward to going but with a sick girl at home, who will be missing dance classes, I'm not sure that will happen.  

Tomorrow is another board meeting for my husband and I'm expecting a full house of angry parents and students ready to fight them on the removal of the band ... which isn't even happening.  It seems to be one rumor after another and most of the community is falling for it.  His position on the board has only just begun and it's already exhausting.  I deactivated Facebook because of all the noise and I have no desire, at this point, to get back on.  Instagram is where I'm at.  No drama there.  I've also been spending time in the Bible, praying, and keeping my focus on God.  Yesterday, since my girl is sick, we watched church from home.  I'm also spending a lot of time typing away on my laptop.  How many years have I been working on my manuscript?  A few days ago I came up with another idea and I've been typing away to see how far this one will get me.  I have an idea for many stories and it's a bit different from where I first intended to go with it.  It's been frustrating but I can feel it all coming together with the understanding of why it's taking so long.  I'm listening to God's cues on this and His timing seems to be very different than mine.  

It's a very windy day here in south-central Pennsylvania but the sun is shining and the air should be warming up by the middle of this week.  Yes, Spring, I still see you trying to make an appearance.  I'll be here waiting for you!  

Oh, I treated the kids to Starbucks yesterday.  We had a gift card good enough for one drink so I had to pay for the other.  I rarely buy Starbucks because it's too overpriced for what it should be.  Of course, I had to ask for a pup cup.  

This girl is spoiled rotten!

Glad That's Over

 Greetings, friends!

Here we are, ending another week.  This week has been good with a few challenges thrown in.  On Wednesday I had an appointment with this machine right here.

Women over 40 you know what that is.  This was a first for me.  My doctor said I could wait until age 45 to start getting mammograms so it was time.  It wasn't as painful as I had expected but very uncomfortable.  Yes, I'm glad that's over.  Until next year.

My daughter is home sick AGAIN.  I took her to the doctor thinking it was strep but it's just a virus going around, causing the same symptoms as strep throat would.  Ugh!  This year has been crazy for her getting sick a lot.  

And the good news of the week is my son made the high school baseball team again.  I knew he would but he was nervous.  Tryouts were Monday and Tuesday and he received word on Wednesday.  I can't believe we have reached that time of the year and I'm excited for it.  The sun has been shining, the air is warm ... hey spring, I see you!  

I'm looking forward to a cozy, stay at home kind of weekend!  

Family Meme Night

 Good Monday March morning, friends!  I hope the weekend treated you well.

My kids spent Friday night into Saturday evening with my parents giving my husband and I a chance to have some time together.  My dad always enjoys time with the kids as it gives him something to do while having to take care of my mother.  On my way to picking them up on Saturday I stopped at a thrift store by his house.  Then on the way home the kids wanted to check out the new Five Below by their house to spend the money their grandpa gave them.  If anything, my dad has always been generous.  

My son bought a new game we all played that night.  It's called Family Meme Night and was a lot of fun.  

It's nice to have a break from responsibility but it does feel a lot better when the kids are back home.  These two are growing up fast, starting to spend more time in their rooms and less with us, so these moments are precious.   

I also love this moment I captured.

On Sunday we headed to church and joined the congregation for lunch after then Rob took the kids to see the high school musical.  Matt sat with a friend.   A girl friend who has a crush on him, might I add.  I stayed home and took care of some housework.

And now here we are ready for a full week ahead.  An orthodontist appointment for Bri today where she'll be getting the bottom braces and baseball tryouts after school for Matt.  

Wishing you all a great week. 

And this is how you decorate when St. Patrick's Day and Easter fall in the same month.

From February To March

 February ended with an extra day.  Leap day!  I considered it an extra day to focus on my blessings.  

And this morning i flipped the calendar to a new month.  Hello March.  The calendar is filled with doctor appointments, baseball tryouts and regular after school activities.  We are 19 days away from the first official day of spring and the slow-speed winter will come to an end as life's activities pick up.  I have yet to accomplish all I had hoped to do this winter, as it always seems to be the case.  

Lately, I've been focusing so much of my time reading the Word, making sure we get to church every Sunday and learning how I can spend every moment of my life glorifying God.  The world around me is so chaotic and scary, I just want to have peace through it all.  As I enter a new month I want to focus on continuingly growing my faith as I count my blessings.  I also heard something on one of the podcasts I listen to and I thought it would be fun to implement it into my blog.  At the beginning of a new month I want to add both a peak and pit from the month before.  I'll start here.  

A pit for February was when finding out all of the rumors being spread about the school board.  That really brought on a lot of unnecessary chaos in the community and a worry in my heart for my family.

The peak was last weekend getting to step away and spend some fun time away with family.  

I wish you a March filled with joy and happiness!

And Monday Comes Again

 After all the chaos my poor husband was dealing with towards the end of the week we made it a goal to have an active and fun weekend.  On Friday we needed to run an errand in the city and while we were there decided to check out a retro arcade.  It was a lot of fun and the games such as Donkey Kong and Space Invaders definitely took me back to the innocence of childhood.   I also loved the display of pinball machines.  I spent a lot of time playing the Jaws themed one.  

Then it was dinner at Chick-fil-A.  Daughter's choice.  

On Saturday after Rob ran some errands and I did some housework and vacuumed my school van we headed to a place that has batting cages for Matt and an area to run, jump and climb for Bri.

Sunday's church service was exactly what both my husband and I needed to hear and came from 1 Corinthians 10:13.  It reminded us that God puts us in a position He can trust us to handle and He will not allow us to go through it without a way out.  It's amazing how God uses a pastor's message to be what we need, as if it's written just for us.  This has happened several times but yesterday it was everything we needed.  Rob and I both went to the altar at the end of the service and knelt down and prayed together.  After spending so much time in fear of what having a husband on the school board will bring I surrendered it to God.  Surrender.  My word for the year.  God has called and equipped my husband for what he is doing.  God has allowed me to understand that this is not my battle.  I just need to show support from the sidelines.  It won't be easy for me.  It most definitely will be the biggest challenge for him.  But with God all things are possible.  Lord, give him strength!  

And now we are at Monday.  It was a difficult start.  My daughter woke up in tired tears.  She told me it was her anxiety but I think it might have been lack of sleep.  My reaction was not the best, something else I need to surrender.  Life is filled with difficulties and at moments I feel as though I can't go on but then I'm reminded that my strength can also be found in the Lord.  He is who I lean on.  

What would I do if it weren't for my faith?

I hope the week ahead brings peace and joy for you!  

Mass Chaos In The Community


That title sounds fitting for for a horror movie, don't you think?

We were sitting at our daughter's middle school band/chorus concert when, coincidentally, a ton of emails came rushing in to my husband from concerned students and parents about the potential removal of the district's music program.  This hysteria came after someone took a comment from a board member the wrong way and began rumoring that the board was going to cut music from the school after the retirement of the band director.  Wow!  My son was the first to see a ton of comments coming from kids in his school on Snapchat.  Since this board has started it seems to be one rumor after another.  

I was reluctant to support my husband's decision to join the school board but it was something he felt called to do.  I'm proud of him and believe he is there to do good but it's also hard to focus through all the noise.  What scares me most of all is the potential safety risks it will put on my children.  My daughter has already come home upset by what others have said to her just because she's the daughter of a board member.  I'm sitting here grinding my teeth wondering if she's okay today.  If someone had said anything to her.  I'm also pondering if it would be better to put them both in cyber come next school year, as to remove them from this nonsense.  

I believe God has a plan through it all and I'm putting my faith and trust in Him.  It's still just very difficult.  Mostly because I have children involved.  For a long time I've been questioning if sending my kids to public school is even the right thing to do anymore.  So much has changed.  Removing them means they miss out on so much, including being involved in band and chorus, which my daughter loves.  I'm just not sure if the risk is worth any of it.  My son has been unhappy with this district and, well, who should I listen to?  

I needed to use my platform to vent today.  Thank you for listening!  Only time will tell what happens.  

My Valentines


Yesterday was Valentines Day and I was happy to celebrate.   I'm not as festive as I was when the kids were little, like making every food item into heart shapes, but I did my best.  

Everyone got their gifts.

My hubby brought home these pretty flowers.  
And made us a delicious shrimp alfredo with Caesar salad for dinner.  Not pictured.   I'm bad at documenting everything.   He also made a dessert, which was both fruity and chocolaty.  Again, no pic.

The pup even got some new toys and treats.  

It was a pretty special day!

Monday Morning Chat

 It was a weekend that past by quickly!  On Saturday the kids and I visited my parents' house to see my sister Denise and brother-in-law Stan who were visiting from Long Island.  They don't come often and when they do they only stay one night and leave very early in the morning.  My dad refers to it as a "drive by."  I don't have any pictures from the visit but it was a nice time of catching up on life and a lot of laughter.  

Before the trip Brianna wanted to do some Valentine shopping at the Dollar Tree.  We were swimming in balloons, as you can see.  

On the way home from my parents' she started getting sniffly and before bed began complaining of a sore throat.  On Sunday she was sick with a sore throat and fever.  Today she's home from school and we have a doctor appointment later.  Apparently strep throat is going around.  She's already had it this year.  This girl can't seem to catch a break.  The night ended watching the Super Bowl, although I went to bed as soon as overtime started.  Football doesn't seem to be about football anymore and it's really annoying.  I am all for baseball ... which is going to start SOON!  

So far today I've been doing my best to catch up on housework and will continue until it's time to pick up my girls from their school.  I wish you all an amazing week!  

Monday Morning Chat

 Hello February!   The sun was blindingly bright this morning as I was driving my school van run, making the inside of the vehicle warm.  With six weeks left of winter spring sure is trying to push its way through early.  I'm not complaining!  

It's almost time for the holiday that celebrates love and I'll always use any excuse to spoil my family.  My husband bought these sweet decorations.  Aren't they cute?

This morning I forgot to take the cell phone out of my back pocket and it went into the toilet.  Eww.  So, as that's drying I'm getting as much housework done as possible.  I have a new student to take to a different elementary school; that's two kids for one elementary and one kid to another, so my drive runs a little longer now.  I continue to love the job and appreciate the time I have at home in between.  It gives me a chance to get a lot done.  Aside from housework I'm using this time to get myself into a consistent routine with studying the Bible.  I also need to get back into a regular workout routine because, between you and me, my jeans are getting a little tighter.  I'm not okay with that.  It's not so much a vanity issue but trying to care about my health.  It's such a hard habit to get into, especially with motivation that's lacking.  I was happy that my recent bloodwork showed no diabetes but with my family history that's something I could easily get and it's all about managing weight and diet.  Ugh!  Why is it so difficult?

At the end of January my son went back to cyber school but only for his core classes.  I bring him in later in the day for his electives.  With his migraine issue and having a tough time focusing through the distractions of other students this was the best option for us.  Maybe it's not right, but it's what we are doing.  We tried, and tried again, but it's no use of making him continue to suffer.  He seems happier and academically doing much better.  He was always an intelligent kid who cares about learning and getting good grades but being in person was making all of that difficult for him.  My daughter has had issues of constantly being sick.  Last week she missed two days and that seems to be the case every month.  I don't know what is going on but tomorrow's well visit at the doctor should hopefully help to give answers.  She said she likes school and has many friends so I have trouble believing that she doesn't want to be there, as others have wondered.  Also, remember when I wrote about her best friend saying she did not want to be her friend anymore back in October?  They made up.  Her friend apologized and said she was wrong and felt bad for how she treated her.  The girls talked and things now seem back to normal.  It had been a rough few months for Bri but now she's happy again.  I was not okay with what her friend did but I do believe in forgiveness, and I recognize that apologizing and admitting wrong-doing takes a lot of courage.  She enjoyed a sleepover at her house on Saturday.  These middle school years are mentally exhausting!  

And with that, I don't have much else to update.  So much to do, so little time!  Have a great week everyone!  A big thank you to those who take the time to read about my silly little life.  You are appreciated!

Groundhog Day

 Pennsylvania's Punxsutawney Phil predicted an early spring as he didn't see his shadow.  

I believe a certain Siberian Husky is not thrilled with this groundhog's prognosis, as you can tell.

After a sleepless night I think I'll curl up with her for a bit.  

Happy Friday!

Just a Quick Hello, Friends!

 The cold, snowy days did not last but I had to share a picture of my girl and boy statue snuggling each other in the depths of the snow.  I thought it was funny.  

The warm weather arrived along with a lot of rain.  The snow has now melted away into a memory.  The ground has been muddy, which has been frustrating for us with a dog that loves digging.  Oh, Brooke, what are we going to do with you?
Here we are on Sunday, watching the last playoff games crossing our fingers that the Ravens and Lions are the ones who make it to the Superbowl, but it's not looking good so far.  Oh well.  Is it really that important?  Not for me.  Is it really important that Taylor Swift is shown every time the Chiefs score?  My son keeps complaining about it.  This morning's church sermon was one I needed to hear, but I can say that most Sundays.  Then we treated ourselves to Wendy's for lunch.  We are all relaxing before beginning another week of work and school.  The last week in January.  Where does time go?  

Wishing you all a fantastic week ahead!  

Round 3


This January hasn't failed at making a certain Siberian Husky very happy, that's for sure.