Although I appreciate living in a state that captures all four seasons winter is not my favorite.  In fact, the cold, dreary days puts me in a deep depression.  However, this year I managed to survive with very little complaining about it.  We are now into the second day of spring.  Spring is a time when you see a little bit of rain and the blossoming of beautiful flowers.  This is what the start of our spring looks like.

Have you ever heard the expression "Spring comes in like a lion and out like a lamb?"  Well, this is a snowy lion.  On the first day of the season we were greeted with a big snow storm.  It started snowing shortly after the kids went to school and thankfully an early dismissal was already scheduled for the day.  I almost put in my three hours of work in the cafeteria and then took the kids home where we stayed for the rest of the evening.  Snow continued to fall all night and into the morning.  It's still falling.  We probably have about 9" and more is expected until tonight.  School and my husband's work was closed today so we all have been enjoying a day at home.  Scouts was cancelled last night and I just received word that dance is cancelled for tonight as well. 

The kids have been in and out of the house.  My husband did some shoveling.  I stayed in and caught up on housework.  I do realize that getting anything accomplished isn't possible with the two little ones running around.  They both did a fantastic job at helping their Daddy shovel.  I think a reward for them is necessary.

Today is supposed to be the last day that Toys R Us will be open.  I can't believe it.  That was the toy store I grew up with and my father enjoyed bringing my kids there.  Now where will I go when it's time to spoil my grandchildren?  They say it's because so many kids prefer electronics but I personally think it's because Toys R Us prices are E X P E N S I V E!  "You can buy the same d--- thing on the Walmart shelf half price" -- Gretchen Wilson.

I really am thankful that we are in the spring season.  This means that we are entering a very busy time.  My daughter is preparing for her June dance recital, my son is finishing up a year of scouts and getting ready to start baseball, lots of activities and fun events are planned and maybe, just maybe, we will see sunshine and warm weather very soon.  I'm excited for what's to come.  Stay tuned.  


It's definitely one of those days where a Snapchat filter is needed.  I wish I could really take this look around with me all day.  Today is a stay in sweats and wear no makeup kind of day.  My eyes also show the lack of sleep I've endured last night.

I just couldn't get to sleep and then at some point in the early morning my son started a coughing fit.  He had been coughing all day yesterday and even though he went to school I allowed him to miss cub scouts.  He said his throat hurt also.  We were expecting 2 - 6 inches of snow today and I was prepared for a school closing.  As I laid in the dark bedroom this morning I was waiting and expecting the phone to ring.  When there is a delay or closing the school calls about 5:30 am.  Once the alarm went off I figured that was a good indication that school was in session.  I got out of bed and looked out the window.  No snow.  Nothing.  Okay, meteorologists, you failed again.

I was really hoping for a snow day so my son could get away with not having to worry about an absence.   Although, I do not get paid for snow days but I do get paid sick time so this is a win for me.  My daughter went off to school and my boy has been laying around the couch all morning coughing like crazy.  What is going on?  I thought we were finally passed all of this.  I'm praying and crossing my fingers that this doesn't get passed onto my daughter but you know how it goes.  When one gets it the other one does too.  Ugh.

I put together beef stew in the crock pot for dinner and have been lounging around and doing nothing all day.  I could use my day off as an opportunity to get things done but I lack the energy to do so.  So, I've been taking this opportunity to think about the future and where I want to go from here in regards to career and finances.  My job in the cafeteria definitely helps fill the gap but I would really love to involve myself in something on top of that.  I've been taking the time to pray and contemplate what I could do while being able to be home when the kids are home.  I have a few things in mind but I'm taking my time to see which opportunity is better than the other.  Maybe I'm taking too much time.