Christmas 2022

 Christmas has come and Christmas has gone.  All of the prepping, planning, and shopping for a holiday that passes with a blink of an eye.  

I didn't get many pictures.   

I was too busy living in the moment.

My kids are growing.  There is still excitement in their twinkling eyes as they wake up EARLY on Christmas morning but the older they get the harder it is to figure out what to buy them, and the more expensive their requests become.  

It was a Christmas where I didn't have to cook.   I didn't stress.  I just let it all flow with a heart focused on Jesus, the true reason for the holiday. 

On Christmas Eve we gathered at my parents house where my older sister and family visited.  It was loud.  Oh, my family seems to only have the loud volume and no regard to the fact my son deals with migraines.  Fortunately, my son made it through okay but I sure spent the evening with a pounding headache and some nausea with it.  I've become adjusted to a more peaceful and quiet life.  Regardless, it's always nice to see family.   

Christmas morning we woke up early to open presents, went to church and then to my sister's-in-law house.  It was a pleasant evening spent with that side.  Much more quieter than the previous day.  

Now the house continues to fill with remnants of Christmas morning.  Opened boxes, pieces of wrapping paper and leftover cookies.  The decorations stay up until after New Years Day.  I'll miss it until next year.  

Here's a picture from the night of Christmas Eve as I was filling the presents under the tree.  Murphy insisted on sitting under the tree, reminding me of who the real gift is. 
I hope you had a peaceful, relaxing Christmas surrounded by the presence of loved ones.  

Happy birthday, Jesus!

Churching From The Laptop

 This morning my husband and daughter went off to church while I stayed home with the boy.  He woke up with a migraine, slept in, woke up and ate some breakfast and took medicine and then back to bed.  These migraines are becoming too frequent and it seems to be a struggle trying to figure out what works best for him.  I believe this physical pain is also affecting him mentally and that worries me.  I've really tried watching what I say and how I approach him and I'm begging my husband to do the same.  So, while they were at church and my son was sleeping I watched the stream from my laptop while wrapping Christmas presents.  My daughter joined in with the junior church to sing a few songs.  

Last night we were at our church for their Living Nativity.  This is the third year they have done it and it's great.  From the birth of Christ to the Resurrection there are different stations set up around the outside of the church.  Even though it was cold and muddy we got through, with the reminder of what Christmas is all about.  

Before church we went to the local minor league baseball stadium where a bunch of local companies had decorative Christmas trees displayed as a competition to see who wins first place.  The winner will receive money to their charity of choice.  So far my husband's company is in first place and will donate their winnings to a local food bank.   It's the Grinch trying to steal Christmas, so nicely done.  

I haven't taken much time to watch all of our favorite Christmas movies yet.  This is one I watched last weekend.  Do you recognize what it is?  It's one of my favorite memories of my childhood, watching it with my mother every year.  My husband and son were teasing me about it but I don't care.  It's a memory of the season I hold dear to my heart.  

Yesterday I did some Christmas shopping and I'm still not finished.  Every year I tell myself I'm going to get all the shopping done early the next year but then that time comes and I find myself scurrying to get everything the Saturday before.  This year I'm feeling much more relaxed about it, knowing the major gifts are purchased and everything else will be bought in time.  On the way to the stores I listened to Christmas music, did not fret about the crazy traffic, nor did it bother me with how crowded the stores were.  I just smiled at everyone that passed by.  It's so easy to get lost in the frustrations of the season but I'm choosing to keep the peace and not allow myself to panic.  It will all go well. 

Icy Day


We woke up this morning to freezing rain and icy roads.  A virtual learning day was called for the school district, which also means no work for me.  It's actually been great to have the day off.  My kids were in good spirits as they enjoyed getting their assignments done from home and not having to worry about the issues they face each day in school.  I was happy to be at home where I could devote every second to housework and homemaking and not have to listen to grown women gossiping and making assumptions about others.  It's been delightful.

I also had a chance to whip up this delicious cinnamon coffee cake.  But can I confess something?

It wasn't made from scratch.  
A day like this makes me miss the time when I was a full-time stay-at-home mother with my kids constantly at my side.  Those days are long gone as I'm back to work and my kids are in school.  I need to work as we could use that extra income and my kids need to be in school for the learning and experiences but I'd give anything to go back to how it used to be.  Continuing as a full-time homemaker can now only be a dream.  Let's face it, I'm an introvert.  I don't enjoy being around people.  I also hate not having enough time in the day to focus on the housework.  My health is also going south as I've been pretty lazy when it comes to exercise.  There never seems to be enough time in the day with everything else going on.  

So, I can't have a day like this every day so I'm just going to enjoy today as a much needed gift from Mother Nature.  

Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones ...

 But words will never hurt me.

That has got to be one of the most ridiculous sayings from childhood.  Of course words hurt, they can hurt really badly.  I wasn't teased often in school as a child but when someone said something cruel I felt that gripping pain inside my chest and my head told me a lot of things that allowed me to believe in its truth.  Now as a mother, knowing my children are faced with bullies brings it to a different level of pain for me.  I don't like it but I try to teach them to ignore those kids and focus on the beauty they truly possess from God.  My kids are both small for their age and they hear about it all the time from peers.  Yesterday my daughter said as she walks the hallways of middle school the seventh and eighth graders are always commenting on her size.  My son has also heard comments and I'm sure it's even harder for a boy to be small.  

For dance competition, my daughter chose the song "Mean Girls" by Leanna Crawford.  A few years ago we heard it on the radio and she immediately said, "I want to dance to this for a solo."  She was just starting out in competitive dance with a goal of one day performing a solo.  This year when she was picked to do one this was her top choice.  It has meaning to her but I know it has meaning to a lot of others, as well.  

I never could grasp the purpose of bullying but as I get older I'm realizing so much.  Hurt people hurt people.  People who are struggling with their own identity hurt people.  People who have been bullied themselves bully others.  People believe in order to build up their own confidence they have to put others down.  None of it is excusable but it's well understood.  

My daughter was able to showcase her solo performance on stage at this year's winter show.  She did it beautifully.  She proved that the size of a person's body is not what defines us.  She was able to move through each motion with as much grace and flexibility as the taller dancers.  It is with hope that as she performs in this year's competitions that those sitting in the audience will be able to hear the words from the song and take something from it.  Hurtful words are not okay.  

by Leanna Crawford
Mean girls don't remember what they said
Well, it's funny 'cause I can't seem to forget
Their whispers opened up the door
To a world called insecure
No, mean girls don't remember what they said

Stick and stones may break my bones
But no one ever warned me about words

I smile and I pretend it doesn't hurt
But the older that I get, it just gets worse
Lord, find me and remind me that my worth
Is worth so much more than their words

The little girl inside that picture frame
Was smiling 'cause she never heard of shame
But now mean girls are the reason why
I change my clothes a thousand times
Before I walk out the door

Stick and stones may break my bones
But no one ever warned me about words

I smile and I pretend it doesn't hurt
But the older that I get it just gets worse
Lord, find me and remind me that my worth
Is worth so much more than their words

You say I'm more than their words
So much more than their words

I smile and I pretend it doesn't hurt
But the older that I get it just gets worse
I need to you find me and remind me that my worth
Is worth so much more than their words