
 It's amazing how we spend so much time decorating, shopping and planning for the most magical day of the year and then with the blink of an eye it's over.   The gifts have been opened, the messes have been cleared and we are back to normal, as if the holiday never happened.  

On Saturday we hung out with Rob's side of the family at his sister's house.  Christmas Eve was spent peacefully at home until we went to the evening candlelight service.  We were home in time to see Santa drive by on a firetruck.  Brooke's first time seeing him and she was freaking out. 
Then we set milk and cookies out and the kids went to bed while mom and dad got busy making the magic happen.
Christmas morning came all too fast and Brianna was up early waking us all up.  Matt remained in bed for awhile.   I guess the teenager isn't as impatient as the little boy had been.  We opened gifts and treasured our time together before my parents came over.   I opted out of making the traditional ham and baked a lasagna instead.  

As Christmas ends I'm feeling sad but I'm also very grateful.   Grateful to God for giving us the gift of eternal salvation through His son Jesus.  Grateful for being able to gift my children with things they wanted.  Grateful for family time.  Just grateful.   

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas as well.  

It's A Yes For Me


So, tell me.  Do you like eggnog?

I like it.  Always have.  It's one of my childhood traditions, spiked for the adults and regular for the kids.  I still prefer it without the alcohol.   My husband and kids don't like it so I never bother to buy it.  My husband and daughter surprised me with this small bottle and it was enough for me.  Very delicious.   

Maybe you aren't a fan.  It's OK, a lot aren't.  More for me, then.

Thursday Thoughts

It's been difficult waking up at 5:35 in the morning to quickly get ready for an early start of defrosting the van on these cold mornings.   I drive fourteen miles in the pitch dark before the sun begins to rise, nearly blinding me.  I'm entertained by both the radio and conversations with my students.  By 9am I'm home where my dog begs for my attention as I try to navigate through all the housework.  Then by 2:15pm I'm out the door heading to the high school for my first pick up, then to the elementary school.  Back home by 4pm where I'm greeted by my own two children.  The evenings are jammed pack with rushing to get dinner ready, splitting ways as we take both kids to where they need to go and then finally showering and crashing into bed by nighttime.  That has been my recent weekdays in a nutshell.

Last night we watched our girl perform in her winter chorus concert.  She did great.  At the time our son was across the street at the high school doing his off season work outs in the weight room.  He has such a thin frame like his dad but he's formed quite the muscles.  His goal is to gain more and possibly try out for the wrestling team next year, his junior year.  Both kids are facing certain struggles in their lives and it's been difficult figuring out how to help them through it but I've been focusing on just how incredibly awesome they are.  They are both talented, both continue to want to serve and honor God and keep their heads focused on that faith, and they are amazing friends to others.  I came across this quote on Instagram and feel it so much.  

Isn't that the truth?  As much as I enjoy my children as they are now I'm really missing the little ones they used to be.  Just to hear my son run into my arms saying, "Mommy I love you, you're my best friend."  Now when I talk to him his words are few and it's been months since I heard him even say he loves me.  It's the age, I get it.  My daughter is still as affectionate as always and promises she won't stop, though I know the teen years are quickly creeping in so I won't hold my breath.  I'm just going to enjoy what I have here as it is and hold onto the memories of what was.  Motherhood is also a mix of joy and sadness.  I'm grateful.  

What A Week


Halleluiah, it's Friday!

This week was a doozy.  First of all, and for some unknown reason, I had trouble falling asleep and staying asleep every night this week.  It's been difficult because I have to get up at 5:30am for work.  A reason unknown to me, they removed me from having to take the 12th grade boy to his tech school.  Immediately, I was given a different route.  I have to pick up a girl a half hour away in her temporary foster home and bring her back to this town for school.  She's in 10th grade like my son but they don't know each other.  She's a super sweet girl.  I enjoy our conversations and getting to know her.  It should only be for a few weeks until she's returned to her biological family.  I don't know the story behind it and I dare not ask but I do wish her well.  This long trip has made me late to the elementary school in the afternoon where I pick up two girls.  The school and their parents seem to be super understanding.  I really do love this job but I worry if it's financially enough for us.  

My kids were both sick with bronchitis and currently taking an antibiotic.  My daughter missed three days.  They are missing so much this year and I'm grateful for doctors notes that help us to not reach that dumb 10-day parent excused absence rule before the fines start rolling in.  Ugh!  They are both on the mend and back to school today.  In just a few hours we will have entered the weekend and I'm looking forward to it!  

We also experienced some snow yesterday morning.  Nothing that accumulated but it was a sample of what's probably to come.  I hear Pennsylvania will see a snowy winter this year.

The best thing of this week was my husband was sworn in as school board director.  I went to my first board meeting and it was pretty cool to see my man behind the desk.  Congratulations Rob!  Go do what God has called for you!  

As we're moving closer to Christmas I'm trying to keep myself from feeling too stressed.  This is a time of year that should be joyful and happy but I find myself scurrying and panicking that all the gifts haven't been purchased yet.  Then there's the planning on having family over.  One day with my parents, the other day with the in-laws.  Time with extended family should be fun and happy but for me it's a stresser, especially the in-laws who I can't seem to get along with.  I feel like I have to walk on eggshells around them because whatever I do and say will be judged.  It's been that way for over twenty years.  But I try to focus on what's truly important in this season, which is the gift of Jesus.  I also focus on making sure my children are happy and fulfilled.  Waking up early on Christmas Day watching as they open gifts is so magical and wonderful and I know time with them like this is dwindling down.  Someday they will leave, probably with their own spouses and kids, and I will no longer have Christmas mornings like this.  The older my kids get the more I realize this and it kind of hurts but I also realize these changes are what makes the circle of life keep going.

Well, that's it.  It's been a sleepless and hectic week but it's almost over.  Wishing you all a restful and blessed weekend.  

It's That Time Of Year

 Last weekend the Christmas boxes came down from the attic and decorating began.  My husband is responsible for the outside while I tackle all the inside.  I like to keep things simple and memorable.  

Our tree, which displays a few ornaments from me and Rob's childhood, our kids' first Christmas, their homemade ornaments and ornaments we've collected each year along with some that have been gifted to us.  My decorating skills aren't as fancy as many trees I've seen from others but it displays our family and all we've collected for our artificial pre-lit tree.  Keeping it simple is my joy.  

Our stockings are hung by Santa and snowman holders my mother gave me and I also displayed the angel and nativity scenes my mother-in-law gave us.  

And here's another nativity scene also from my mother-in-law.  I'm not sure Jesus, Mary and Joseph were originally dressed in gold trim but it's pretty.  

And a candle I was only able to enjoy when my son isn't home since the scents trigger his migraines.  

I have so much more decor but it's all piled on my coffee table for now while I figure out where to put everything.  I better hurry because before I know it it'll be time to put it all away again.