
 I'm sitting in the parking lot at the dance studio while typing this up.  Because of precautions due to Covid, parents are no longer allowed to sit in the waiting room.  Today is just an hour spent rehearsing their competition dance.  I look forward to seeing her performance, even though this year it has to be virtual.   

After I dropped her off I went to the grocery store for some shopping.   I'm thinking of making stuffed peppers for dinner tonight.   I also loaded the cart with lots of fruits and vegetables.

I decided to participate in Lent this year and will be giving up all sugary sweets until Easter.  This makes the days feel like they are dragging on and I find myself hungrier throughout the day but I'm drinking plenty of water and snacking on as much fruits and veggies as possible.   It's going to be worth it.  I'm also getting back into an exercise routine.   I think of it as having a body that is only borrowed while I'm here on earth, so with anything I borrow, I need to make sure I take proper care of it.  

I need to be more intentional with my health and I know I have the self discipline to get it done.  I just need that boost of motivation to start each day.  

This was me not so many years ago when I kept up with a good healthy routine.  Let's get her back!



 Happy Valentines Day!  It was a special day spent at home with my 3 Valentines and our pets.  I am so thankful for the love God has given me and the family he's blessed me with.   It isn't always easy or perfect, but I wouldn't want my life to be any other way.  

Another Snow Day


This is what we woke up to this morning.   Not a lot of snow but enough for in person school to be called off.  The kids and teachers are working from home but we lunch ladies get a nice break.  

I really needed the day off and am thankful Mother Nature was on my side today.  Work has been stressful and it leaves me feeling emotionally and physically exhausted,  yesterday especially.  I still like the job and all the kids from kindergarten through 5th grade make it worth it but the work itself is a lot.  My legs are hurting today.  I also need this time to get things done around the house.

The kids are virtual today and that tends to get a little stressful but with a little help and a lot of encouragement my daughter got through it.  

We transfered our son to cyber school and he's doing so well.  His original brick and mortar middle school was very incompetent on how to handle things and because of technical issues they showed our son was getting lower grades than he should have been.  All of the work, whether in person or online, had to be done on the iPad and once the assignments were submitted the teachers were supposed to receive them but didn't always.   My husband and I are one of many parents who complained about this issue and because of it moved to a cyber charter school.   He's been doing so well and this may be an option we'll stick with.   I have always been supportive of those who homeschool and I believe with the way things are now it's a great option.  I want our girl to stick with her school through elementary school but we'll consider the cyber school option once it's her turn for middle school.   

Okay, now back to cleaning! 



Groundhog Predicts 6 More Weeks Of This


After I shoveled the small amount we got yesterday more snow came down throughout the rest of the evening and into this morning.  We have about 12 inches here.  What a beautiful scene to wake up to.  I shoveled a little and my husband will go out and snowblow the rest.  Yes, it's February 2nd and our outdoor Christmas decorations are still up.  Oh, and it's groundhog day.  That darn groundhog here in PA saw his shadow so 6 more weeks of winter it is.  Ugh!  

Murphy is not amused by this fluffy, cold white stuff.  

Why is it so impossible to get a decent picture of the kids?

They are snow loving goofballs

Never a dull moment with these two 

Mom would like one good picture of the two of you?  No?  Okay!

I sat with the kids as they did their school work virtually.  Wow, all I can say is I give you homeschool moms major credit!  You are amazing!!  

I'm not feeling so well.  I find myself trying to catch my breath as if a panic attack is about to start.  There's a lot going on personally and I'm trying to stay sane.  Trying!  I'm also trying to give myself some time to write this book where I have it all in my head but am having trouble finding the time and patience to get it all down.  Eventually.  I'm not giving up!

Snowy Monday

 Last night the kids wanted to build a fort in the living room and sleep there.  We got word that school for Monday would be done virtually because of all the snow we were getting.   This morning the dog discovered the fort and made himself comfortable. 

I went outside to do some shoveling and snapped a few pictures of the kids.  They love playing in the snow but it doesn't take them long to get too cold and want to get back inside.  

We got just a few inches and it was easy to shovel.  More snow is expected to fall today into tomorrow but we'll see.  

I enjoy these relaxing snow days when I can stay in the comfort of my own home.  I'm not a wintery snow person but it's nice to view from the inside.