
 I'm sitting in the parking lot at the dance studio while typing this up.  Because of precautions due to Covid, parents are no longer allowed to sit in the waiting room.  Today is just an hour spent rehearsing their competition dance.  I look forward to seeing her performance, even though this year it has to be virtual.   

After I dropped her off I went to the grocery store for some shopping.   I'm thinking of making stuffed peppers for dinner tonight.   I also loaded the cart with lots of fruits and vegetables.

I decided to participate in Lent this year and will be giving up all sugary sweets until Easter.  This makes the days feel like they are dragging on and I find myself hungrier throughout the day but I'm drinking plenty of water and snacking on as much fruits and veggies as possible.   It's going to be worth it.  I'm also getting back into an exercise routine.   I think of it as having a body that is only borrowed while I'm here on earth, so with anything I borrow, I need to make sure I take proper care of it.  

I need to be more intentional with my health and I know I have the self discipline to get it done.  I just need that boost of motivation to start each day.  

This was me not so many years ago when I kept up with a good healthy routine.  Let's get her back!



  1. Hello, my friend. I am joining you on a healthier me journey. I am suffering from some anxiety and stress, and what I want to do, what I feel like doing, is crawling into bed! But I know that is not the answer! I really do not enjoy exercise, but I am going to start maybe 3 days a week. I know it will make me feel better! You look awesome there, and now as well!!!

  2. May your Lent be "fruitful," haha. I do Lent every year even though with my age (ewww), I don't have to, but I try to give up chocolate (sorry, don't think it will be on my list this year), no Facebook at all through Lent, no computer time on Sunday, no potato chips, no eating after 7 p.m. (think it will start tonight and extend five days to catch up), start sit ups, half pushups for each year of my age ...not that is a lot ;). Anyhoo, you look great in this picture and know you are just as lovely now. Take care and have a great week.
