Catching Up!

 Life lately has been quite busy and a real struggle.  

Struggling to get through the busy and chaotic time we're having at work.  This year is more stressful than ever and with being short-staffed it's even harder.  When I come home I feel tired and achy and it becomes hard to focus on the things that need done at home.  

Struggling to get through all of the housework.  

Struggling to figure out what to make for dinner each evening and what time it's best for us to eat (because the kids have busy schedules with activities).  

Struggling to keep my mood happy while balancing work and personal life.  

Struggling with keeping up after the kids.  

Struggling to keep up with all my girl's emotions, and this year has been a real struggle for her.  

Struggling to find quiet time with God.

Struggling to stay awake and focused.  

Struggling to get enough exercise.  

Well, you get it!  Life is chaotic and stressful right now!  But honestly, I wouldn't want it any other way.  Work may be crazy but I'm thankful for this job.  The people I work with are great and being able to see kids and joke around with them make the day even better.  No matter how I feel on the inside I'm always joking around with everyone and focusing on making sure they are laughing.  At home, the house constantly looks like it's been hit by a tornado but I know that the chores will get done.  I love a clean house, a messy house gives me anxiety, but I'm learning to take my time and enjoy what's truly important.  All the chores will get done, eventually.  

I'm currently sitting on my bed with a mountain of freshly washed and dried clothes waiting to either be hung in closets or folded and put away in drawers.  I just finished working and then ran to the grocery store for the things I needed for the next few days.  I don't have a moment to sit here and type all this up but I'm stealing a moment, anyway.  Later I have to drop my girl off at dance, come home to make dinner, pick her up and then try to get whatever else needs done before giving up and plopping my tired butt on the couch so I can cuddle with the kids.  So, yes, I will take this moment to rest my tired feet and take a long breather.  

It's funny to think this time last year we were all stuck at home.  In person school was closed, in person dance classes were closed, the baseball season was postponed.  This year my son is back on the field, my daughter is finishing up her dance season IN PERSON and the kids are busy with school.  Part of me wishes for the slowness of last year back but the other part of me is glad we're back in business.  But whew, it's a lot right now!  

Hopefully my next post will be an actual update on the things that are going on right now, and maybe with pictures.  Today I just wanted to let my readers and friends know I'm okay ... barely holding my head above water but I'm still swimming.  



Resurrection Sunday was a great one for us.  We enjoyed a wonderful church service and then my parents came over for the rest of the day.  It's been many months since we've seen them so it was nice.  After dinner the kids painted eggs using both dye and shaving cream.  

Hope you had a blessed Easter!  HE IS RISEN!