Hello Friday

Here I am in the midst of a messy house knowing very well I should occupy my time cleaning and organizing instead of blogging.  But if I waited until everything was tidy you'd never hear from me on here.  So, here I am.  Stopping my day to write on here is therapeutic anyway.  

I'm glad to see the week is at its end.  This has been a hard week, which involved an unexpected death, students who were trying my patience at work, and a lack of energy to get anything done at home.  I'm really struggling emotionally but I keep pressing on the best I can because there are tiny humans who are in need of me.  I'm grateful for the raise I got at work and then I look at my paystub and see how much has been taken out for taxes and retirement.  Is it necessary?  My job has it's benefits, like being able to financially help my husband out and that is so needed.  But then I miss being at home all the time, constantly present for when my kids, completely focused on housework, etc.  I'm one of those old souls who feels a wife was designed to be at home doing all the homemaking but in today's economy you're pretty lucky if you can make that work.  In the days when I was a stay-at-home mom with the two little ones we made major sacrifices.  It was well worth it and by the grace of God we got through.  Now dealing with the stresses of an outside job and then feeling too exhausted for anything else when I get home doesn't feel too worth it to me but I gotta do what I gotta do.  Unfortunately.  

Our dog continues to constantly urinate all over the house.  We already tried an antibiotic for a possible UTI but that didn't work.  Now the vet gave us a new prescription.  Not working.  The next move is an ultrasound to check for that big ugly C word.  My poor furbaby.  I love him dearly.  He came to us unexpectedly almost five years ago and now we might lose him sooner than later.  

My son has officially started back up with cyber.  This time it's directly through the school district and I like it better that way because he can still play high school sports, participate in other school activities and graduate with his class.  He's interested in getting into engineering post graduation so we are talking about him taking classes with their tech program.  He can still do his core classes online and then go in person for the tech classes.  The woman who runs the cyber program has a classroom at the high school so cyber students can go in there to do their work if they have any in person electives or tech classes.  There are many options aside from doing all the work at home but for now he's at home.  Honestly, with how schools are these days and all the stories I hear it's great to have him home.  I also love that he can work at his own pace and if he gets ahead he can graduate junior year.  I don't agree that homeschool kids are sheltered and not socialized.  He's an independent worker and can handle this.  He still goes to the school twice a week for baseball workouts.  We are looking forward to the upcoming season.  He's also getting ready to start his Eagle Scout project.  Big things are happening for that boy.

My daughter, is sticking with in person school.  She's better that way.  It works for her.  I don't know if the future will change that but for now she's where she needs to be.  Next month is a middle school dance she's excited for.  She's also starting to learn her dances for the June show in dance.  Her competitions are quickly approaching.  The cost of her dance is another reason I must keep working and that's worth it to me.  Next month will also be a chorus and band concert.  Yes, this girl is a busy bee.  

Well, I should end this here.  I hope your weekend is fun, relaxing, cozy, and all the good things.  

First Snow of 2023

 In the Pennsylvania valley we don't see a lot of snow and I heard the western and northern part of the state are seeing more.  We got a few inches before turning to rain.  

It started after 10:00am so school was already in session.  So this was my view.  

It's a beautiful thing to look at from the inside.  

I went home and shoveled the little bit that was on the walkway and driveway.   Then put some salt down as I'm sure it will be icy come evening.  

The dog went out and enjoyed a snack.  He loves eating snow.  

Facebook reminded me this was 7 years ago today:

My kids are aching for a big snow storm to play in.  I can't believe I'm saying this but I'm ready for it too.  

Cooking With The Kids

It was a good weekend for me.  I got a ton of laundry done and a some major house cleaning.  Although, even when I spend all day cleaning the house still looks like a mess.  Do any of you have that problem?  

On Saturday we tinkered with the new pasta maker attachment my husband got me for Christmas.  He made the dough and my daughter and I put the dough through the attachment.  My daughter requested fettuccini and my husband made his alfredo sauce.   I love having a husband who can cook.  It helps a lot.  

On Sunday my son cooked all three meals.  He had to do it for a scout merit badge and decided to go with all Spanish meals.  He's finishing up his Spanish I class for the year.  It was all good and I appreciate his desire to learn how to cook.  Both of my kids have an interest in it and I told them that will help when they are older.  

Breakfast.  A tomato, spinach, cheese and egg sandwich.  

Lunch.  Gazpacho and salad.

Dinner.  Lime shrimp and rice.

Dessert.  Flan and a side of ice cream.  

My husband doesn't like shrimp but he enjoyed this recipe.  I wasn't the biggest fan of cold soup but I made sure to eat the entire bowl.  My son didn't like the flan but I found it to be good, a nice caramel flavor.  With the help of my husband he did pretty well.  

I joked to my kids about how they should cook for me every weekend but they actually like the idea.  I'll definitely include them in the kitchen more often and for as long as they enjoy doing so.  It's definitely an important life skill.  

Basal Cell Nevus Syndrome


This is what Basal Cell Nevus Syndrome looks like.  A fresh bandage covering a spot that's been removed for biopsy and a noticeable scar on the chin from a Mohs Surgery done a few years ago.  I also had a spot removed on my back today, as well.   The dermatologist doesn't want to do surgery at this point unless there is regrowth.  

Basal Cell Nevus Syndrome.   A genetic mutative disorder that causes these cancers to become frequent.   I lost count in how many spots have already been cut off.  

It makes me sad and puts me in a low mood, to be honest.  But at the same time, I feel grateful.   It's annoying but I'd rather deal with something annoying than one of those cancers that are fatal.  I won't die from this.  I just might end up looking like Freddy Cruger eventually.  

Remember the sunscreen, kids!

I hope you have a wonderful weekend ahead.  I'll be sitting here smuggled up on the couch with an ice pack on my face.  The doctor didn't say anything about applying ice but if I don't it will swell.  


 Today I made 117 (pre-ordered) salads just to watch as most of them ended up uneaten and in the trash.  

There are many things I enjoy about being an elementary school cafeteria worker but that is not one of them.  

That's it!  That's my post for today.  

2023 Week One Done

Well, we have completed week one of the new year.   I would love to be more intentional about keeping up with this blog often.  I closed out 2022 with a total of 65 posts, the most I've done on this particular blog.  I've been blogging since discovering Xanga twenty years ago when I was just a newlywed living in an apartment browsing the web while my husband was at work.  At the time I was working in a restaurant and my hours were mostly later in the day and evenings. 
 Blogging has been fun.  I think I'll keep it going.

January always seems to be a very slow moving month so it was surprising as how fast the first week felt.  I worked, my kids were back to school and back to their after school activities and Christmas decorations have been stored in the attic.  Yesterday I took our Murphy to the vet for his annual check-up.  I also had concerns.  Those concerns are caused by an ear infection, anal gland infection and possibly a uti.  Poor pup.  He has a few antibiotics that should clear it up.
This guy is not a fan of the vet and gets pretty viscious when they attempt to touch him.  Because of that they sedate him.  We left the office with a drowsy dog and an extremely expensive bill.   I can't help but love this old pug, even though he's stubborn.  

Today on this sunny Saturday my son is working and my parents came over and took my daughter and her friend to the movies.  I've been cleaning the house and relaxing.  We've had pretty mild weather for the beginning of January and I'm loving it.  It seems the weather doesn't quite line up with the seasons anymore.  I'm predicting a big snow storm in March.  

Next week will be my sixth month checkup at the dermatologist and I'm already scheduled for surgery the end of the month for a spot on top of my head.  Skin cancer stinks!  Having basal cell nevus syndrome, which causes continuous skin cancer stinks even more.  I lost count as to how many surgeries I've had so far.  6, maybe?   

Back To The Grind

 First, I want to say specifically to Mary  how deeply sorry I am for the sudden loss of your great nephew.  That is deeply heartbreaking and my prayers are with you and your family.   Wow, I have no words.  

Today was the first day back to school and work after a much needed winter break.  It was nice to have time off and we even saw both my sisters at separate times when they visited from Long Island.   My son has been enjoying his new Xbox and spent four days last week at his new job at the ski resort.  He helps with the snow tubing.  I didn't even expect him to work yet, he's only fifteen, but he insisted on earning his own money.  I'm so proud of him.  

As I said in my last post, our dog has been dealing with some health issues.  I believe a bladder infection is one thing since he continuously pees everywhere.  His vet appointment isn't until Friday.  The poor guy just clings to me when he can, like when I'm on the floor doing a puzzle.  

Here's the finished puzzle.  One of my Christmas gifts.

This is a silly one.  I love sloths.  They are my spirit animal.  Slow and steady.  

On the last day of vacation I took the kids to the mall so they could pick out new calendars for their rooms.  
The malls are so empty and almost obsolete.  I remember walking through the mall as a kid with my mom and as a teen and young adult with friends.  It was the fun thing to do, even when I didn't have extra money to spend.  My kids love walking the mall but with most of the stores gone there isn't much to see or do.  Sad, really.  

When my alarm went off this morning I wished for just one more day off but, nope, it was time to get moving again.  It was nice seeing the kids and staff that I work with but I'm really feeling a pull to find a different job.  It's a good job, great hours, but I exhaust myself for pennies and no appreciation.   My son went to school but experienced a headache through the day, just like every day.  Until we can find a cure for these migraines he'll be back to virtual.  We will revisit our decision next school year, and so forth.  He doesn't mind working from home.  He doesn't care to miss out on all the social aspects of school.  My daughter, on the other hand, thrives on being around people and being taught by teachers in person.   So, I'm doing what suits them individually.   

Well, here's to a 2023 where things will fall into place.   

The First Post of 2023


I'm entering this year with low expectations and high hopes.  

The year is starting off sitting in the quiet house waiting for church to start where, I am again, streaming it from my laptop at home while my husband and daughter attend in person.  I'm feeling very thankful for the option to watch virtually.  It might be better to go in person but with a son in agonizing pain it's an option to be grateful for.  He woke up crying with another migraine.  I told him to go back to bed.  My husband wanted me to go along and I wish I could have too but I'd rather be at home making sure he's okay.  Someone also has to keep the dog from barking, he tends to do that when no one is home.  

Trying to figure out how to help my son has been difficult.  I can't imagine how he makes it through the pain.  I have made the decision to shift him back to virtual school.  It won't happen until closer to the end of the month when the third marking period begins, this way he earns the credits that will allow him to move to tenth grade.  I'm also taking him to a neurologist in Hershey in February because I feel we are getting nowhere with the one he sees currently.  The chiropractor is only helping a little.  He was able to snap him out of a migraine a few weeks ago but I would love to find a permanent cure.  That poor child.  It's difficult for a mother to witness.  I cry every day for him.  I beg God for his healing.  

Our dog is also currently suffering health issues and I am hopeful a trip to the vet this week will find a cure.  

We ended 2022 by seeing the new Avatar movie with my parents.  It was long, over three hours, but I'd say well worth it.  We grabbed some food at Walmart and my husband cooked some delicious finger foods, something we do every New Years Eve.  My son spent a large part of the evening in bed but woke up in time to ring in the new year with us.  It was a difficult evening.  A frustrating one.  But I was home with the family and to me that's better than going out among people and noise.  

My mother's struggle with Alzheimer's is getting worse and my dad's patience in dealing with her is no better.  

Life has been difficult but I know it's nothing God can't get us through.  I'm not one for resolutions but I am vowing to make 2023 a year where I pull myself closer to God.  Because He lives, I can face tomorrow!  He will get us through the trials.  I'm demanding that 2023 is the year we find answers for my son.  I will fight until we get those answers.  

Whew!  Not the greatest start to the new year but that doesn't mean it won't get better.

My hope is for you to see a 2023 filled with an abundance of blessings, my friends.  Thanks for reading my blog and allowing me to use this page to document my good as well as my bad.