Busy Weekend, Nostalgia Creeping In

 On Friday I rushed home from work, picked up my daughter and then we went to the high school to watch our boy in action.  For the first time this season they allowed him to pitch.  He put in his best effort but the fielders were not helping so he left feeling very angry at the defeat.  

Saturday was another baseball game but since I had to drop Bri off for a quick dance rehearsal I was only able to make the last half.  They won!  That makes 2 wins this year so far.  

Sunday's beautiful weather called for outdoor time after church and a stop for some ice cream after dinner.  

My son said, "Mom, why are you always taking pictures for Instagram?"  I said it wasn't for Instagram.  I left out the part about putting it on the blog.  They don't even know I have this but hopefully one day they'll be able to read through it ... and laugh at how ridiculous their mom was.  

Today we are back to Monday and it's a hot one.  It's supposed to reach 84 degrees.  I mowed the front lawn quickly after my morning van run.  For the rest of the day it's laundry, cleaning and then dropping my boy off to school for his 5th period elective before he's on the bus with the other players for their double-header game this evening.  This season of life is very busy but I remind myself that when things settle down I will look back and miss it.  

I'm already looking back and missing the years when my kids were small.  When they were home with me and we would enjoy the slow-paced days.  I came across this picture today.  For some reason, this time of year nostalgia hits hard.  

The middle and high school years are so difficult.  Although there is so much good with this season, it's been less enjoyable helping them through their teen years than it was when they were little.  I'm really struggling with missing those little ones and it's affecting my mood as I raise them as they are now.  If I can only hold their tiny bodies in my arms again.  It's been a long time since I heard my son say he loves me.  I just wish for the simpler days again.    


 Every Friday when I was little my mom would wake me up for school and shout, "TGIF!"  I am so glad today is Friday.  It's been a busy week and one that felt like it was going both slow and fast all at the same time.  

My daughter's dance classes are Monday, Tuesday and Thursday each week and she's there for quite a few hours.  This was observation week where we could step in and watch the last 10 minutes of each class.  She does ballet, pre-pointe, jazz/lyrical, praise, tap, theater jazz and I think modern as well.  Yes, it's a lot but she loves it and I love watching her shine.  I was able to get a preview of each dance they'll be performing during the June show and although it still needs work I know it'll be great by then.  

Yesterday before dance I watched my son's baseball game.  He did awesome and even made a hit getting him to first base.  He was able to make it home but it didn't count since someone else had gotten the third strike.  Ugh!  That's always annoying.  But seeing him do well, and shout encouragement to his other teammates shows just how far he's come.  That shy little boy is slowly coming out of his shell  

I did spend some time yesterday sitting on a heating pad because my lower back and butt has been hurting for some reason.  I told my son I guess I'm at the age where I'm going to get pains from not doing anything.  I called myself old, to which he replied, "You're not old, Mom.  You have another 25 years before you're old."  Well, thank you!  I spent that down time writing ... that never ending process of my novel.  I also wrote my first write-up yesterday for my new girl.  In my first year as a van driver it has taken me until the end of April to do a write-up so it's not bad.  I knew from the first day I had her this week she would be my biggest challenge but I'm hoping things calm down.  Safety is my first priority and she's not making safe choices.  

I'm looking forward to a weekend of taking my daughter to a dance rehearsal on Saturday, hopefully making it in time to see the last half of my son's ball game and then spending the rest of the weekend cleaning and relaxing.  

My hubby isn't feeling well today, since yesterday, so if you could throw a prayer up for him it would be appreciated.  

I hope my wonderful reader friends have an awesome weekend!  Thanks for sticking around with me.  

"Tuesdays Are The Worst"

 Actually, I don't think that.  One of the students I take to school said that this morning.  I told her at least it's not Monday.  Her and the other student said they like Friday the best.  How could I not agree with that one? 

It's a perfect spring morning as far as the weather goes.  The sun is shining and the birds are chirping.  It's not too hot and it's also not cold.  Pennsylvania, you did not disappoint today!  

It's crazy to think we are inching closer to the last full month of school for the year.  I know my kids are ready for vacation.  I love my job as a van driver but this morning was a wee bit of a challenge.  I now take students to a school that is designed for kids who have been expelled from their public school.  The one student I started to take, a middle schooler my daughter knows, is an absolute sweetheart.  The new girl I began driving yesterday is going to be my challenge.  Tomorrow I began taking someone else, as well.  Three kids together.  Then I have my two girls to elementary school, the one can have a bit of an attitude towards the other and I reprimanded her on that today.  It was rough but then one of the teachers came out and handed this to me, two cookies with a note that says "We would crumble without our amazing bus drivers.  Thank you for all your hard work."  And that made everything worth it.  Also, a text message from my boss last week saying that he's glad I'm part of their company.  It's those little things that make the challenges worth continuing.  

And today in Pennsylvania it's primary voting day!  One of the girls in my van spotted a church with a lot of people and several signs so she was questioning about it.  I liked having a chance to explain the voting process to her and what the primary voting day is for.  I went in and did my part.  My husband is working at the polls helping our friend who is running for our state representative.  My fingers are crossed and prayers are being sent it's in God's will for Zak.  If not, God has something else in mind and that's okay, too.  

This is observation week at my daughter's dance studio.  Parents have 10 minute slots for each class where we can come in and watch them rehearse the dances they are doing for the June show.  My son also has a baseball game every day this week, but because of my daughter's dance schedule I am only able to make the home games later in the week.  If only I had the ability to split myself in two.  Any other moms ever feel that way?  If you've discovered the secret of being at two places at once I'd love to hear it.  

It's a busy Tuesday but, no, it's not the worst.  

Rough Morning

 It was a rough morning.  A very tearful one.  This has actually been a very tough school year.  I've been praying so much and feel a spiritual war going on in my mind.  It's hard to even know what is God's voice and what is Satan's, to be honest.  I'm feeling confused, lost and alone but know we will get on the other side.  I just have to go through the storm first.  

I told my husband that I wanted to make no plans for this weekend.  Use the time to be together as a family and take a break from the busyness of life.  We also have many home projects and cleaning that needs done.  

In better, yummier news, I made this Pillsbury cinnamon swirl dessert this week.  I've made it a few times before and used a loaf pan but this time I decided to use an 8x8 dish.  I also poured the cinnamon sugar in the middle leaving none for the top, my mistake, but still delish.  Everyone in my family enjoys it, especially the younger one who is often a picky eater.  

Wishing you all a happy Friday and a good weekend ahead!  


 Last Saturday we spent the day at our county's minor league field to watch as Matthew, along with his teammates, played against another team for a "PINK OUT" game in support of breast cancer awareness.  That's my number 37, who got walked and eventually ran home, scoring one for the team.  Unfortunately, we lost by 4 but it was an incredible experience.  

This boy isn't the greatest player on the team but I'd say he's one of the hardest working ones.  He dedicates himself to the game and has such a passion for the sport.  Even after coming home from a game or practice he goes right outside to our backyard to play some more.  Or he's playing a baseball game on the Playstation, that still counts, right?  Having a teenager reminds me that the time I have with him at home is getting shorter by the day so I'm embracing these moments that will one day be a memory.  

Another Rainy Morning

 This morning we had a new visitor at our front door.  Let me introduce you to my new friend ... 

Such a cute little toad seeking shelter from the rain.  It also reminded me I did not do a very good job at putting the hose away.  

Well, we have certainly been experiencing April showers here.  There is no fear of a drought, that's for sure.  As I watched birds swoop down onto the ground and take sips from the puddles it reminded me of the necessity of rain.  I'm thankful.  Nature surely is beautiful, thanks be to God.  

So Far In April

 I have to begin to say, my little absence from the blog world has not been intentional.  The days get busy and time goes by so fast.  It meant a lot when Billie Jo checked up on me, thank you!  

April started with a lot of rain.  I thought I was going to have to start building a boat.  Rainy days were meant for snuggling.  

Then we were blessed with sunshine and warm weather.  Finally!

And a solar eclipse!  

We already had the glasses from the last solar eclipse six years ago.  They make a big deal out of how these eclipses only happen several years in between but I'm pretty convinced they happen more than we realize, and more than they are announced.  As a child astronomy was one of my favorite subjects.  My father bought me a telescope, which I still have.  I loved learning about all of the planets and at night I would just lay under the stars and become so mesmerized by the beauty of God's creation.  

Baseball is in full swing and I just love watching my boy on that field.  

I've been doing a lot of praying.  Praying for my children and what to do with them next year.  I have been feeling this desire to take them out of in person public school and allow them to do it through cyber.  Schools today are filled with ... blah ... too much to name.  I don't want to take away some of the experiences they receive by being there but a lot of it just isn't worth it.  I've also been praying about what direction to take with my daughter's dance company.  She loves it there and does not want to leave but it's disheartening to continue paying high prices for a place that is becoming greedy, also a lot of dancers are becoming snooty.  If you want to be part of the cool group you need to be an owner of a Stanley Cup.  Really?  I've never been trendy nor have I ever judged a person on how they look or what they have.  My kids are the same.  I will not spend a high price on a water bottle just because of it's popularity.  It's ridiculous to me.  

There are a lot of exciting things happening in the coming weeks and months and I'll try my best to document as much of it as I can.