Another Rainy Morning

 This morning we had a new visitor at our front door.  Let me introduce you to my new friend ... 

Such a cute little toad seeking shelter from the rain.  It also reminded me I did not do a very good job at putting the hose away.  

Well, we have certainly been experiencing April showers here.  There is no fear of a drought, that's for sure.  As I watched birds swoop down onto the ground and take sips from the puddles it reminded me of the necessity of rain.  I'm thankful.  Nature surely is beautiful, thanks be to God.  


  1. I many rainy mornings! Usually the rain doesn't bother me but, eventually, I am about over it. I was hoping for a bit prettier day for today but it is chilly and grey. is not raining (again)!:) Have a great weekend ahead!

  2. I agree, my friend. I used to tell the kids when they were little and wanted so badly to play outside after a long winter, that the rain is necessary. It will make everything green! This morning we have sun! I hope you are having a good weekend!
