Busy Weekend, Nostalgia Creeping In

 On Friday I rushed home from work, picked up my daughter and then we went to the high school to watch our boy in action.  For the first time this season they allowed him to pitch.  He put in his best effort but the fielders were not helping so he left feeling very angry at the defeat.  

Saturday was another baseball game but since I had to drop Bri off for a quick dance rehearsal I was only able to make the last half.  They won!  That makes 2 wins this year so far.  

Sunday's beautiful weather called for outdoor time after church and a stop for some ice cream after dinner.  

My son said, "Mom, why are you always taking pictures for Instagram?"  I said it wasn't for Instagram.  I left out the part about putting it on the blog.  They don't even know I have this but hopefully one day they'll be able to read through it ... and laugh at how ridiculous their mom was.  

Today we are back to Monday and it's a hot one.  It's supposed to reach 84 degrees.  I mowed the front lawn quickly after my morning van run.  For the rest of the day it's laundry, cleaning and then dropping my boy off to school for his 5th period elective before he's on the bus with the other players for their double-header game this evening.  This season of life is very busy but I remind myself that when things settle down I will look back and miss it.  

I'm already looking back and missing the years when my kids were small.  When they were home with me and we would enjoy the slow-paced days.  I came across this picture today.  For some reason, this time of year nostalgia hits hard.  

The middle and high school years are so difficult.  Although there is so much good with this season, it's been less enjoyable helping them through their teen years than it was when they were little.  I'm really struggling with missing those little ones and it's affecting my mood as I raise them as they are now.  If I can only hold their tiny bodies in my arms again.  It's been a long time since I heard my son say he loves me.  I just wish for the simpler days again.    

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