September Days Around Here

 "Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the Fall," - F. Scott Fitzgerald. 

Okay, today is officially Fall so it's time to bring out the decorations and start the morning with a cup of pumpkin spice coffee. 

A lot of people rush to decorate for the season as soon as September arrives but I prefer to wait until the official day is here.  I also keep my American flag theme decor on display from Memorial Day to September 11.  

September means back to school and back to a very hectic schedule.  My daughter started her dance season and has also started taking violin lessons.  My son's Fall ball season is going on, along with boyscouts and guitar lessons.  I definitely love keeping a busy schedule for the kids but am feeling the need for a full day at home to catch up on cleaning and relaxing.  

Last week we traveled to Maryland to watch my Yankees play the Orioles, a first major league game for the kids.  

Then a few days later we were back to a different part of Maryland to see monster trucks in action.  

I've been working extra hours so that makes for a better looking paycheck and it's definitely needed.  Have you noticed the price of gas and groceries lately?   Yikes!  I'll leave this post at that.  Happy Fall y'all!



My prayers are with those in the path of Tropical Storm Ida.  Here in Southern Pennsylvania we are experiencing the remnants of it.  A lot of rain!  School was let out early as the roads were starting to flood.  

I came home and snuggled with this guy and we both fell asleep.   Well, I woke up.  He's still snoring away.  

What a way to start September.