Standing on the Mason-Dixon Line

Our library's summer reading club also connects with a program that sets up 30 different hikes around the county and so far we've completed 11.  We need to get our butts in gear if we want to complete them all, which we have yet to do.  It's a fun way of exploring familiar and new locations while getting in some exercising.  

Yesterday we did a hike that started at the bottom of York County and went to the border of Maryland on the rail trail.  It was pretty cool getting to stand in two states at once.  
Of course, a hike wouldn't be complete without the kids arguing along the way and my daughter complaining because her feet hurt.  🙄  Still, I enjoy this time with them.  

Have you ever stood in two states at once?

Monday Morning Rambling

Good Monday morning!  My kids have been spending the weekend with my parents and I've spent the ENTIRE time cleaning my daughter's room.  It was frustrating to see how much mess she has accumulated and I lost count on how many garbage bags I used.  Is it normal for a 10 year old to have such a mess?  I'm not talking about toys here and there.  I'm talking about unnecessary messes, which also included food and food wrappers even though I have a strict rule about eating in the bedrooms.  I've had a talk with her over and over and when she gets home later I'm going to have another talk with her.  I don't why I can't get through to her and what I can do to make her cooperate.  I had trouble keeping a clean room as a child but this was far worse than anything I would have done.  

My goal for the summer is to get through every room and organize/get rid of things not needed.  I'm glad that her room is finished but I'm not sure how long this will last.  I could use some help, kids!  

 I'm still working on a manuscript.  I started one, then got an idea for another, then another.  This one seems to be going well but the problem is finding the time to sit and write.  I know it's better for me to handle housework first but if I wait for that to be done I'll never get to the book.  So, I go back and forth.  There's also something else I'm working on.  Something that's a smaller project that I'd like to get self-published on Amazon.  If you have any advice, from experience, of how to get it done I'd love to hear it.  I really feel the pull to do this but getting in the time for this busy mom of two seems impossible.  

During the evenings of the last few days my husband and I watched the show Candy on Hulu.  We remember actress Jessica Biel from her days of playing Mary Camden on 7th Heaven.  This time she played an 80's housewife who ended up murdering the wife of a man she had an affair with.  It was alright.  Doesn't seem like there will be a season 2.  

Today is a rainy day and my son is supposed to have baseball practice later.  Before the kids come home there's more cleaning to do, wash, dishes, EVERYTHING.  I also have to return books to the library that are due TODAY!  So much to do, so little time.  

Make it a great week, everyone!  

Doing What Is Right

 I grew up surrounded by a lot of hate, anger, and judgment.  I carried those things within myself for a long time, too.  One day something just clicked and I decided I wanted no part of the negativity anymore.  Of course, all of it still surrounds me.  It's difficult to avoid.  I can't control others but I can definitely choose how I react to it and how I proceed to handle my own emotions.   It's not easy.  I feel the harder I try the more I'm attacked.  Spiritual warfare is in full force right now.  Have you ever seen a television show where someone is faced with a tough decision and have an angel on one shoulder and a devil on the other, both trying to persuade them with which decision to make?  That devil and angel are weighing on my shoulders right now.  

It might seem easy for a Christian to know the correct decisions to make, especially if we know it's one that will please God.  But what are we to do when our own parent expects something from us?  Something that we know will be harmful to our minds and how God will view us?  The Bible tells us to honor our parents, but how far do we go with that?

A more recent example is that my father bought my husband a Let's Go Brandon flag to hang under the American flag in our front yard.   As much as we are frustrated with what is going on in our country and don't take the side of this president, we find the saying inappropriate, vulgar, and immature.  Secretly funny, yes, but not something we want to display publicly.   We believe in standing up for our beliefs but I also believe in keeping the peace.  Yesterday my parents came over for Father's Day and my dad refused to come inside until we hung the flag up.  We resisted.   He eventually came in but I could tell he was disappointed in us.  My father is the kind of man not afraid to speak his mind, no matter how cruel it is.  It's how he was raised and how he has continued to be.  I'm breaking that cycle.  

Hanging a flag or political sign in my front yard won't change the country's problems.   Shouting my views to someone won't fix the country's problems, neither will writing about it on social media.  It will only bring hate and a division God never intended.  Speaking with love and kindness and shining light on a dark world won't even fix things right away but the encouragement it brings could help someone in need of it.  I also believe that we are going to see hard times and it's probably going to get worse.  The Bible tells us those things but it also assures us that in the end God wins the battle and gains the victory.   So, in the meantime I'll do my part to shine the light in the storm until that time comes.  

I'm envious of those who grew up in a home with a solid Biblical foundation.  That was not me.  I grew up being made to believe that it didn't matter what comes out of our mouths or what we view with our eyes.  That only means I have to work harder and independently to make sure I break the chains of what is accepted of the world and focus on serving God.  I'm going to be the light that shines bright in my home so my children can be raised in a home set on the solid foundation.  

My Heart Overflows

Good Monday morning friends!

The busy weekend has left piles of dishes in the sink and a hamper overflowing with clothes.  The rest of the house definitely can use some attention as well.  The dishwasher is running, the wash machine and dryer are running, and everything else will get done in time.  

My heart also overflows at what an amazing week it has been for both my kiddos.

Last week my son played, in what we'd say, was his best game.  A random high schooler, with a gift of photography, snapped several pictures of the game.  Here is one to share.

My boy saved the game a few times when they were losing, helping the team to lead and win the game.  He caught two fly balls, once playing center field and the other time playing second base.  To see how far he's come along in baseball has been amazing.  I remember when he was just beginning and would stand there watching as the ball went right by him and now he's getting them mid air.  His determination and heart for the game has made me so incredibly proud.  When he's not at practice or playing a game, he's in the back yard swinging the bat or throwing the ball at the pitch-back net.  

On Saturday my girl had dress rehearsal and yesterday was the recital.  The theme was "Under the Sea" for ballet and then the second part was "Summer Sensation" for all the other dances.  She did a dance for ballet, her team competition dance, praise, tap, jazz, and modern.  This girl keeps our bank account drained with all of these classes, but it warms my heart to see her also doing what she loves.  Today she's feeling sad that the year is over but it won't be long before she's at it again.  I have taken several pictures of her different costumes but here is one.

She was an evil sea urchin for her ballet dance and boy did her expression play the part well.  To say I felt scared was an understatement.  I just love how dance tells a story (even though my dad, sitting next to me, had trouble following along).  

I want to be fully involved in my children's lives and helping them to accomplish their dreams and desires, no matter what it takes.  Our schedules are filled to the max and our gas tanks empty as quickly as our bank account does ... but it's a complete joy getting to watch them grow in their talents.  To say I'm proud is an understatement, but I am definitely proud.  

I love these two and my heart has definitely overflowed this week.  

Here We go Summer!

 Summer vacation has started and I'm all for it!  

After a long school year and nothing but chaos at work I'm ready to kick back and enjoy a relaxing summer.  

So far this vacation has consisted of listening to sibling fights, whining, and temper-tantrums.  But that's all part of raising kids, right?  I'm doing my best to handle it with compassion, patience, and understanding.  I'm doing my best to use kind words and help redirect my kids in their anger.  As a child I felt I wasn't allowed to express my feelings.  Feeling angry and frustrated wasn't tolerated.  I don't want that to be the case for my own kids.  I want them to know that it's okay to get upset and feel mad but I also want them to learn how to properly express those emotions.  I also want them to learn that using mean words to each other is not what's acceptable.  

Like every summer my kids are involved in the library's summer reading club.  Every 200 minutes read they get a prize.  My son has quickly made it to the first 200 mark.  My daughter requires a little more pushing.  I don't want them to make reading a chore.  I wish they could enjoy it and see the adventure of reading like I always had.  But with all the reading they've had to do during the school year I understand how they'd rather have a break from it.  There is also a hiking program we participate in also.  30 hikes in different parks across the county.  It's great exercise as we follow directions to get to the post with a rubbing on it.  My son seems to enjoy it.  My daughter, not so much.  My two kids, born of the same two parents, are completely different in so many ways.  

I had started a small garden with tomatoes, peppers, and green beans.  With the cost of everything now it would be nice to have some fresh veggies this summer.  

I also plan on spending these long days cleaning, organizing and getting this house into shape.  Since my kids are heading into middle and high school there are a lot of toys I'm desperate to get rid of to make more space.  

I'm also taking time to do my own reading.  I have also reserved some extra time to do my writing.  I should have been done by now.  The first draft, second draft, final revision, should all have been complete.  With everything going, sitting down to write takes last precedence.  

I'm also devoting some time to working out.  I really need to get back in shape.  Not for vanity reasons, even though my husband would love to see me skinnier, but for health.  I haven't been feeling the best lately, and some symptoms have me a little worried.  I'm sure some of you will say, then go see a doctor.  Another thing that doesn't take precedence.  

I'm planning on enjoying this vacation.   I won't be looking forward to getting back to work the end of August.   

Bridling The Tongue

 "If anyone among you thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his own heart, this one's religion is useless." -- James 1:26

This post is credited to Dr. David Gibbs, Jr, president and founder of Christian Law Associates.  

It has been so easy to hear someone say something I did not agree with and immediately feel rage as I make my attempt to prove them wrong.  The things I've heard lately, with one political side bashing the other (and I'm the other), really made me want to sit down and type my heart out on Facebook.  I had felt anger at what was said.  My chest started to tighten and feel like it was going to explode.  With everything else I had been dealing with over the last few months, this was no help to me.  

Gratefully, my husband motivated me to attend church yesterday, something we had been slacking at lately.  During the service there was a guest speaker by the name of Dr. David Gibbs, a lawyer who has helped defend several Christian churches across the country.  He started by reciting James 1:26 and continued on talking about the importance of "bridling our tongue."  

To bridle your tongue means to restrain or control your tongue by choosing what you will speak and what you will not speak.  When you have a bridle on a horse, you can control the direction of the animal despite it's enormous strength with the simple pull of the reins.  A horse can only go the direction it's head goes; therefore, if you can control the direction of the head, you can control the body.  In the same way, when we bridle our tongue by learning to control what we speak/don't speak, we can control the direction in which our life will go.  

When it comes to bridling our tongue it's so much easier said than done, especially now living in a world of social media where it's so easy to share our feelings or read the views of others.  It's so easy to feel anger and disappointment by the things we hear on the news.  Holiday dinners in my family are never easy because someone is always bringing up politics.  As tempting as it is to get caught up in it all, God wants us to bridle our tongue and prevent ourselves from saying anything that will be unpleasing to Him.  

Have you ever heard the saying, "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me."  We used to recite it all the time as kids when bullies said mean things.  The truth is, those words do hurt.  The tongue is the most evil part of our body.  It can be used to say things that will bring pain or heartache to someone.  It can also be used to spread kindness, encouragement, compliments, and compassion.  

I'm choosing to use my tongue in a way that uplifts others.  So far, it's been bringing me great joy in doing so and hopefully I can use my tongue in a way that will bring joy to others.  

Another Milestone Complete

 It's been a difficult school year for many reasons.  

But we did it!

She did it!

It was an emotional last day since this was her last year in elementary school.   My son was the last 6th grade elementary class before they changed and moved 6th to the middle school.   I wish they kept 6th grade as it was and I definitely knows she does too.  She's not so sure how she'll handle middle school but I know she'll do great.  

It's amazing how quickly time passes.  It's really sad, actually. 

It doesn't feel that long ago since I put the nervous little 5 year old girl on the school bus for the first time and then recieved emails from the kindergarten teacher because she was crying for Mommy.