Another Milestone Complete

 It's been a difficult school year for many reasons.  

But we did it!

She did it!

It was an emotional last day since this was her last year in elementary school.   My son was the last 6th grade elementary class before they changed and moved 6th to the middle school.   I wish they kept 6th grade as it was and I definitely knows she does too.  She's not so sure how she'll handle middle school but I know she'll do great.  

It's amazing how quickly time passes.  It's really sad, actually. 

It doesn't feel that long ago since I put the nervous little 5 year old girl on the school bus for the first time and then recieved emails from the kindergarten teacher because she was crying for Mommy.  

1 comment:

  1. Oh dear friend. Time is a thief, isn't it? She is a sweetie. Happy Summer!
