Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Yes, I'll Cry

I just came across this poem and it hits home for me. I spent the last two days with my mom and it was heartbreaking. She stumbles on her thoughts, can't finish a sentence because she forgets what she was saying, she stops whatever she's doing and spaces out. Her long term memory is still there but she can't remember what happened the day before. My dad deals with being the caregiver 24/7 while feeling hopeless and frustrated. It's awful. Knowing the woman who brought me into the world will someday forget who I am is the absolute worse experience of my life. 

People have told me I should never feel hatred for anything but I do. I hate Alzheimer's. It's a cruel disease with no cure and no survivors and it's slowly taking away my mother.

People often ask me how she's doing and I get lost in knowing what to say because every day is a new challenge. She's struggling. What else is there to say? I've appreciated the support from those who have experienced this, and all the prayers - it helps.