The kids and I had six long days off for Thanksgiving break. It was much needed for the kids but this morning as they woke up to prepare for heading back to the grind it seemed to be quite a struggle.
The break was a mix of relaxation, Thanksgiving feasting with my parents, celebrating Matthew's 16th birthday and ended with a two day, one night trip to an indoor water park in the Poconos. Now we are back to reality. Back to work, school and an endless amount of laundry waiting to be finished. Taco meat is cooking in the crock pot and the rest I'll prepare at dinner time.
Let's talk about Thanksgiving. I only had my parents this year. No in-laws. We always invite both sides but last year it was only my mother-in-law and sister-in-law since my parents were sick. So, this year I wanted it to be just my parents. Keep it small and simple. It was a nice day of cooking while watching the parade followed by the dog show. We filled our plates with turkey and all the trimmings and tried to fit some dessert. After dinner we watched The Cowboys crush Washington with a Dolly Parton show in between. Does anyone notice how amazing that woman looks for age 77? How does she do it? Well, aside from all the plastic. Kudos to her!

On Friday my oldest turned sixteen years old. Sixteen? It baffles me that we got to sixteen so quickly. He wanted to be part of the Black Friday experience and use a gift card that was given to him a long time ago. The stores weren't as crowded as they used to be and he picked Arby's for lunch. We went home and gave him his gifts. One was a watch he had wanted that tracks his steps and does many other things.
Our town was having a tree lighting ceremony that night and my daughter performed with her dance studio. My husband invited his mom and sister to come watch and then head back to our house for cake.
Saturday was a rest day and Sunday we dropped the dog off at a dog resort before heading north to the Poconos. Matthew had once mentioned wanting to go to a water park and we decided to surprise him with a trip to an indoor one. We heard this was the best one in the Poconos, located inside Camelback Resort. It was a lot of fun and I highly recommend.
Aside from a few moments of bickering and arguing, which is what it seems to be whenever we go anywhere, it was a good vacation. We all needed it. On the way home we picked up the dog who seemed excited to see us but very tired at the same time.
The rest of the week will be busy but I'll try to give another update soon!