After all the chaos my poor husband was dealing with towards the end of the week we made it a goal to have an active and fun weekend. On Friday we needed to run an errand in the city and while we were there decided to check out a retro arcade. It was a lot of fun and the games such as Donkey Kong and Space Invaders definitely took me back to the innocence of childhood. I also loved the display of pinball machines. I spent a lot of time playing the Jaws themed one.
Monday, February 26, 2024
And Monday Comes Again
Friday, February 23, 2024
Mass Chaos In The Community
Thursday, February 15, 2024
My Valentines
Yesterday was Valentines Day and I was happy to celebrate. I'm not as festive as I was when the kids were little, like making every food item into heart shapes, but I did my best.
Everyone got their gifts.
My hubby brought home these pretty flowers. And made us a delicious shrimp alfredo with Caesar salad for dinner. Not pictured. I'm bad at documenting everything. He also made a dessert, which was both fruity and chocolaty. Again, no pic.Monday, February 12, 2024
Monday Morning Chat
It was a weekend that past by quickly! On Saturday the kids and I visited my parents' house to see my sister Denise and brother-in-law Stan who were visiting from Long Island. They don't come often and when they do they only stay one night and leave very early in the morning. My dad refers to it as a "drive by." I don't have any pictures from the visit but it was a nice time of catching up on life and a lot of laughter.
Before the trip Brianna wanted to do some Valentine shopping at the Dollar Tree. We were swimming in balloons, as you can see.
On the way home from my parents' she started getting sniffly and before bed began complaining of a sore throat. On Sunday she was sick with a sore throat and fever. Today she's home from school and we have a doctor appointment later. Apparently strep throat is going around. She's already had it this year. This girl can't seem to catch a break. The night ended watching the Super Bowl, although I went to bed as soon as overtime started. Football doesn't seem to be about football anymore and it's really annoying. I am all for baseball ... which is going to start SOON!
So far today I've been doing my best to catch up on housework and will continue until it's time to pick up my girls from their school. I wish you all an amazing week!
Monday, February 5, 2024
Monday Morning Chat
Hello February! The sun was blindingly bright this morning as I was driving my school van run, making the inside of the vehicle warm. With six weeks left of winter spring sure is trying to push its way through early. I'm not complaining!

This morning I forgot to take the cell phone out of my back pocket and it went into the toilet. Eww. So, as that's drying I'm getting as much housework done as possible. I have a new student to take to a different elementary school; that's two kids for one elementary and one kid to another, so my drive runs a little longer now. I continue to love the job and appreciate the time I have at home in between. It gives me a chance to get a lot done. Aside from housework I'm using this time to get myself into a consistent routine with studying the Bible. I also need to get back into a regular workout routine because, between you and me, my jeans are getting a little tighter. I'm not okay with that. It's not so much a vanity issue but trying to care about my health. It's such a hard habit to get into, especially with motivation that's lacking. I was happy that my recent bloodwork showed no diabetes but with my family history that's something I could easily get and it's all about managing weight and diet. Ugh! Why is it so difficult?
At the end of January my son went back to cyber school but only for his core classes. I bring him in later in the day for his electives. With his migraine issue and having a tough time focusing through the distractions of other students this was the best option for us. Maybe it's not right, but it's what we are doing. We tried, and tried again, but it's no use of making him continue to suffer. He seems happier and academically doing much better. He was always an intelligent kid who cares about learning and getting good grades but being in person was making all of that difficult for him. My daughter has had issues of constantly being sick. Last week she missed two days and that seems to be the case every month. I don't know what is going on but tomorrow's well visit at the doctor should hopefully help to give answers. She said she likes school and has many friends so I have trouble believing that she doesn't want to be there, as others have wondered. Also, remember when I wrote about her best friend saying she did not want to be her friend anymore back in October? They made up. Her friend apologized and said she was wrong and felt bad for how she treated her. The girls talked and things now seem back to normal. It had been a rough few months for Bri but now she's happy again. I was not okay with what her friend did but I do believe in forgiveness, and I recognize that apologizing and admitting wrong-doing takes a lot of courage. She enjoyed a sleepover at her house on Saturday. These middle school years are mentally exhausting!
And with that, I don't have much else to update. So much to do, so little time! Have a great week everyone! A big thank you to those who take the time to read about my silly little life. You are appreciated!
Friday, February 2, 2024
Groundhog Day
Pennsylvania's Punxsutawney Phil predicted an early spring as he didn't see his shadow.
I believe a certain Siberian Husky is not thrilled with this groundhog's prognosis, as you can tell.
After a sleepless night I think I'll curl up with her for a bit.
Happy Friday!