Friday, February 28, 2025

Goodbye February

Happy Friday!  Not only have we made it to the last day of the week but we also made it to the last day of February.  

Last night we attended the middle school benefit concert and watched both chorus and band put on a wonderful performance.  Bri gave up on chorus midway through this school year because she wanted to focus on band.  She traded in her clarinet for the french horn and has been doing great with it.  She is already signed up to join the marching band in high school.  High school?  My baby is going to high school?  Whoever came up with the term "time flies" obviously was a parent.  

I hope everyone had a great February.  I know I complain a lot about the cold weather but I have also learned it's a good excuse to stay inside pretending to be a hermit crab.  Recently my husband asked me how many times I have gone through the Gilmore Girls series.  Admittedly, I don't know but this has been a good series for me to keep on during the cool fall and winter days when I'm home alone getting housework done.  I'm almost on the last season and then it will be time for warmer days spent outside and less television watching.  

And while another episode is playing on my living room television (thank you Netflix) I'm getting through some more laundry and housework until it's time to leave for my afternoon van run.

I hope February was great for you and I pray March brings you lots and lots of blessings!  

Monday, February 24, 2025

Oh, Hello Sunshine

Well, well, well ... someone must have heard my complaining and sent the 50 degrees and sunshine.  

It's so nice that I opened the back door to let the winter germs out and some fresh air in.  The dog knows how to push open the screen door with her nose to let herself in and out but she has yet to learn how to shut it behind her.  She's enjoying the vitamin D as much as I am ... and I'm sorry if I complain too much.  I really do believe each season has its beauty and I am luckier than a lot of people but sometimes those thoughts pop in my head that it becomes hard to control.  But today, it's sunny and warm and there's no desire in my mind to complain.  

Saturday morning was still a bit bitter but that didn't stop any of us from traveling to another part of the county so Matthew could run in the second to last race of the winter series he signed up for.  That boy has made me proud with how hard he's working and he loves running.  Rob has also began running and has joined in on some of the (1 mile) races.  For an older man who deals with a lot of pain from arthritis the fact that he goes out there running and challenging himself is amazing.  Then there's Brianna, who has only taken dance classes as an extra curricular activity, but has now taken up an interest of being a runner as well.  She has yet to do a 3.1 mile run, which is required for cross-country but she did want to join in on the 1 miler as well.  I knew she could do it but I was nervous she'd have trouble and give up.  Well, I'm so proud of her!  She made it to the end with a smile on her face.  I couldn't have been more proud as I have been for all three of them.  As for me, I just stayed back and snapped pictures at the finish line.  I don't think I've ever ran a full mile in my life and although I had tried many times I have yet to accomplish it.  Maybe one day.  For now, I'm happy to be the photographer.  

And Saturday night ended with game night in the living room.  It had been awhile since we played Phase Ten and it took some time to recall how to play this card game but it was fun.  

Sadly, a terrible thing happened on Saturday morning at a hospital near my house.  It's all over the news and social media as more and more details come out.  It's always sad when hearing of incidences such as this but it's even more terrifying when it's close to home.  I hope the officers and hospital staff who were injured make a full recovery and I hope the witnesses can mentally heal.  I also pray for the family and friends of Officer Andrew Duarte who made the ultimate sacrifice that day.  Thank you for your service, Officer Duarte.  Our flag is half mast, which was ordered by our governor but it was something we are willing to do.  The least we could do.  

It's moments like this that remind us how precious life is and how it could end at any given time.  I'm not saying this to depress anyone but just want it to serve as a reminder to enjoy each and every moment.  

Sunday was a day of church, lunch served at church, and I got to take this pup on a drive to drop one of the cars off at the mechanic since we have no time to take it on Tuesday.  She loved having a chance to get out.  We also had dinner at Chili's and spent the evening attempting another card game and some family time before another week of school and work begins.  
Now here we are, Monday.  I have been busy with housework and enjoying the sunshine.  Here's to the last week of February!  A warm week expected.

Friday, February 21, 2025

Winter Blues Through A Cold February

 Last night while sitting in the waiting room at dance I was talking to a few mothers on how we seemed to have been spoiled with mild winters over the years but this time we are feeling what an actual winter is supposed to feel like.  I know there are people who complain about the heat in the summer and wish for the colder temperatures.  Now that we have them I hope you are all happy.  The cold, bitterness, wind and snow is just not for me.  One of the mother's talked about a seasonal depression she goes through this time of year where she just wants to stay inside and hibernate and finds it hard to even want to leave the house and see people.  My eyes widened as I listened to her say the same things I had been feeling.  I am not a secluse but I do prefer being at home in warmth and seclusion and only go places and talk to people when needed.  It's not an exciting way to be but with everything going on in the world and around me it feels better to just stay in my own lane, protecting my peace.  

And nothing is better than quiet mornings with a cup of coffee, Scripture reading and a lazy husky beside me.  

She must feel as I do, too.
Right now as I type this I can hear the wind whipping around outside.  I have so many things to get done and it's getting done slowly but surely.  

As much as I don't like the bitterness of winter I'm thankful for it.  Thankful because it will help me appreciate the warmer weather that's to come.  

I'm not sure much excitement has happened this February except last Friday's Valentines Day.  The kids had off school for a teacher in-service day and all three of my Valentines (I treat my kids too) got a bag of goodies from me.  

I also made this heart-shaped chocolate cake with white icing and silver and pink sprinkles.  I purchased the heart-shaped cake pan from Dollar Tree.  The bags also came from the same place.  

We are heading into the last weekend of February and I am feeling grateful that we will then enter the month where we see FIRST DAY OF SPRING on the calendar.  It's on its way, friends!  It's on its way!

Monday, February 17, 2025

Inside and Outside

This girl will beg to go outside, then will eventually cry to come back inside, then outside again, and inside ... and so on.  I spend most of my day opening and closing the back door.  When she's inside she's either eating, napping or looking out the living room window wishing to be outside.  To live such a life!

It's very windy outside today.  I can hear the patio furniture blowing around on the back deck.  My son wanted me to drop him off at a friend's house this morning and my daughter and I did a little shopping on the way home.  I was glad to get back into the warm house but I'll soon be out the door again taking her to those evening dance classes.  

It's Presidents Day and there's no school.  It was nice to get to sleep in just a bit.  Tomorrow it's back to the grind and there's something expected in the forecast for Wednesday night into Thursday.  Can we be done with winter yet?  This one has been brutal.  I'm ready for sunshine and warmer air.  Are you?

Hang on, I gotta go let the dog out...

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Wacky Wednesday

 It began snowing yesterday afternoon and kept going all night into later this morning.  It was lightly falling and left just enough to cover the ground but not the roads.  A two hour delay had already been called for today and as I laid in bed I was expecting my cell phone to ring with the school letting me know they had switched to a virtual day.  Well, it remained a two hour delay and that was okay since the roads are fine.  The kids I take in the school van were not too thrilled, as they were really hoping for a day off.  

I may not be a fan of the winter season but I will admit the snow covered trees are beautiful.  My favorite snow is the kind that sticks to the grass but not the pavement.  

Then when I came home from my morning van run I realized I forgot my house key, totally forgot where we keep the hidden spare, and made my husband leave work so he could let me in.  That was quite a morning.  Maybe, just maybe, a virtual day would have been better.  I'm sure Rob and I will one day laugh about this but today I feel really, really bad I made him drive all the way home to rescue me from my stupidity.  He's a good man.  

I will soon have to leave for my afternoon run and dinner has been simmering in the crockpot all morning.  I look forward to an evening of no plans and relaxing in the comfort of my own house.  Nothing, to me, is better than being at home ... inside the home ... not locked outside in the cold.  

Monday, February 10, 2025

Some February Things


The groundhog was not kidding when he predicted six more weeks of winter.  Last Thursday we woke up to an icy ground, which called for another virtual day.  Snow is in the forecast beginning tomorrow and probably lasting until Thursday.   

I got all the grocery shopping and Valentine gift buying done today in anticipation of this pending storm.  I have household projects in mind ready to start in case I become stuck inside but those things can and should get done regardless.  

I've also been in a baking mood and my kids loved these chocolate chip brownie bars.  When I don't feel like baking from scratch I rely on my good friend Betty Crocker to help get things done.  I feel no shame.  

And my sweet husband surprised me with flowers reminding me that we don't have to wait until Valentines Day to celebrate our love for each other.   

I can't believe we have started the second week in February already.   January felt so long but this month is moving along and I cannot wait for warmer days.  This seasonal depression is no joke and I'm doing what I can to fight it.  

Last night we ended the weekend watching the Superbowl, although we did not care for either team or the halftime show, it's nice when we can relax together as a family.   Now that the football season is over, a sport I really don't care for as much as my husband and son do, I'm ready for baseball.  Baseball is my sport, if I have to pick one.  Maybe because the weather is so much better between April and October.   I'm so ready!

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

As Life Goes On

 On Saturday afternoon I took my daughter to a funeral of a beautiful twenty year old young lady who danced at the same studio.  It was requested that guests wear florals, something Amelia loved.  We sat among a crowded church in our floral dresses watching what  was the most precious and Holy Spirit filled funeral service I have ever attended.  This one was a first for Bri.  A few pastors and her family shared heartfelt memories in their eulogies, we sang a few songs and a group of girls from the studio even danced.  It was a remarkable celebration of life; a life gone far too soon.  

In December the studio put on a production called Messiah, which was about the life of Jesus starting with creation and ending with Jesus ascending into Heaven.  Amelia played the Holy Spirit and we all, unaware at the time of what was to come, saw a glimpse of her in Heaven.  She is there now.  I only knew her because of that production and Bri knew her from being a substitute teacher in her class before.  Being that this is her first year, Bri still hasn't had a chance to get to know many people yet.  However, the church was filled with people who knew Amelia, either from the time she was small or, like us, most recently.  One thing I learned is just how much this young woman had accomplished in just twenty years, which also included spending a few years living in Hawaii with her twin sister, Sophia.  Sophia was also in the accident, but managed to survive with a broken femur.  

It's really sad to think of how one moment could change so much.  I imagine the three sisters, as they were driving home that Friday evening from a dance rehearsal, singing along to their favorite music as they laughed and talked about what the day had brought them.  I'm sure they even talked about the plans they had for the next day.  Then within a split second, with no time to react, a car coming from the other lane swerves into their lane causing the driver to swerve so she doesn't hit that other car but instead slams into a tree.  They still have yet to find who that other driver was and we aren't sure if they realize how their inability to follow proper driving procedures cost the life of one young, sweet woman.  

This accident can give us all a reminder that the next day is not promised to us.  It doesn't matter how old we are or how healthy we are.  Our time can even come when we least expect it, when we are not prepared for it.  

{picture of Amelia taken and created by Lovefusion Photography.  I do not own the rights}

I did not know Amelia personally and I never had a chance to talk to her or hear that contagious laugh her loved ones kept talking about.  All that I know are the things that were said about her.  A kind, loving, always happy but quiet girl who lived her life loving and serving God.  She even made sure when she danced she did it for Him.  It was remarkable seeing how many people she touched with her kindness and how much light she gave to those around her.  I'll never understand how God could take a person like her from this world so soon while her loved ones live out the rest of their days grieving such a loss.  A life like Amelia's is a life God calls us all to be.  As my life continues to go on, and until I'm called home, I will do my best to live for and serve God the best that I can.  Because I, too, want to hear those words, "Well done good and faithful servant."