Wednesday, March 25, 2020


Don't worry, Brianna's still open for business.

One term that seems to be overly used lately is 'social distancing.'  I have even been saying it, but I'm so tired of hearing it.  Besides, are we really being socially distant from each other?  No!  Because of technology we are still able to stay social with each other.  Calling or texting, email and social media, Facetime or Skype, there are so many ways we can stay connected to those who are outside of our homes.

We are not socially distancing ourselves.  We are being physically distant.  There is a difference.

I'm enjoying all the extra hugs and kisses from my kids but I am missing the simplest hug, handshake and high five from everyone else.  I am not an affectionate person so if I reach out and offer you a hug then you must be special to me; however, when all of this is over I probably won't be able to help running over to a complete stranger and giving them a hug.  It's one of the small things I've taken for granted.

Even though my kids can't physically be in school right now they are still staying socially connected to their teachers through email and still able to complete assignments on their iPads.  They miss being in the building and in the classrooms but it doesn't stop their learning.

Even though my daughter hasn't been able to physically go to her dance classes and be among the other dancers and teachers, her teachers are putting lessons onto YouTube for the kids to practice at home.  We are just hoping and praying that a June recital still happens.

The kids are still learning, still practicing their music and dancing, and we are all still keeping in touch with loved ones one way or another.  So thankful for technological advancements!

Stay socially active but keep a physical distance!

Murphy says, "Hey, since you aren't needing this backpack right now can I use it for a bed?"  Yes, this old man will sleep anywhere.

At home tap class.  Still socially connected to Miss. Andrea.

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