It's the midst of autumn, which means the air is crisp and the leaves have changed colors and most have fallen on the ground. We are preparing for the holiday season and this year we are faced with a presidential election. In less than one week we'll find out if our current president gets four more years or if our former vice president takes on the role. I become so annoyed with the endless television ads and constant political text messages. I'm trying really hard not to worry about this election. Okay, maybe I'm a little worried. No doubt, I've been spending a lot of time prayerfully asking God that His will for our country be done. No matter the results, I choose to believe that God is in control and He has a plan and purpose for everything. I know who I'm voting for and why but the future rests in the hands of our Creator. I haven't logged into Facebook for a long time because I know at least a few people who will be posting their political opinions non-stop and I don't want to read it. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and are free to share it but I just don't want the harsh words and bashing to ruin my mood. I mute the television whenever an ad is on and I block and delete those text messages as they come in. I watched the first presidential debate, while laughing and shaking my head in annoyance, and then decided not to watch the other ones. No matter who our president is God is the only One who can save us.

It's also been a hot minute since I've posted anything because life lately has been so busy. With getting the kids to school, going to work, coming home to get a quick lunch and then heading back out to get my son from school, my daughter decided to start taking the bus again so that helps, then I need to rush her to dance class on some days and other days my husband takes our son to either baseball or scouts. Dinner has to be ready early or we eat it late. Time is moving fast and I'm pulled in one direction after another. The house looks messier everyday and it's hard to find enough time to devote to the endless piles of chores. Yet, I'm grateful that our lives are back to somewhat normal. I do miss those months of being at home and enjoying a slower pace but I hope the world doesn't have to "shut down" again.
The medicine seems to be doing an amazing job in keeping my depression settled but I can already start to feel that extra depression I get during the changing season. The colder temps and shorter days definitely affect my mentality. I started taking extra B12 vitamins to help with my mood and alertness. I was finding myself getting very tired throughout the day and falling asleep here and there. All I ever desire to do is snuggle under a blanket with my dog and binge watch something on television but, instead, I get moving in this direction and that direction constantly keeping myself busy.
Even though I'm not keen on the chilly weather I do enjoy autumn for a lot of other reasons. The colors of orange, yellow and red are beautiful and this year I'm feeling pretty excited about the upcoming holidays. I only have a small amount of fall decorations displayed around the house but I do wish I did more.
And my mother-in-law created this beautiful wreath for me and it's displayed on the inside of our front door so it doesn't get ruined by the outside weather.
Well, friends, it's time for me to get ready for work. I hope this autumn is treating you well!