A Benefit Of The Mask

 We're told to wear face masks to protect others around us.   Some will do so willingly and some argue that they have the right not to if they don't want.   As if our country isn't in argument over a ton of other things now we're torn in a war of masks.  I can't say I enjoy wearing one but I do in public without argument.   No big deal to me.  I support protecting innocent lives, born and unborn, and whether or not masks are truly as effective as they say I'll wear a mask to avoid argument.   Oh, and I found an even better reason to wear a mask and one I am thankful for.  

Yesterday I went to the dermatologist to undergo my 4th Mohs Surgery to remove a spot of skin cancer on my chin.  If you've been following my blog for awhile you'll know I was diagnosed with Basal Cell Nevus Syndrome in the beginning of the year after the dermatologist found one spot after another.  So, anyway, these surgeries will probably be my life from now on.   Last year I had countless people look at my scars and ask, "what happened to your face?"  The coronavirus has been hard for anyone to deal with and this diagnosis has been hard on me but as I try to remain positive through it I can find joy in the fact that these masks are great at hiding the bandage that covers the stitches and eventually they'll be great use for covering the scar.  

Oh, and bonus, when you're recovering from surgery get yourself a dog.  Make sure it's an old dog who enjoys snuggling and napping.  He comforted me for the rest of the day.  

1 comment:

  1. Bless your soul, my friend.
    I was at the dermatologist yesterday for a follow up on my Mohs surgery, and I was literally thinking of you! Little did I know! I hope you heal quickly and that cute pup helps you along. Was wondering if you ever had the doctor sand your scar with sandpaper? I did yesterday! Hugs!!!
