Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow!!


The snow has arrived here in south-central Pennsylvania.  The kids did their school virtually this morning and then have been spending a ton of time outside.  It's getting dark and the snow is still falling so I will wait until tomorrow to shovel.  Tomorrow will be another virtual day at home.  

I can say, I've never been much for snow but it is pretty to look at from the inside.  Surprisingly, I was actually looking forward to a nice snow storm this year but I'm sure I'll change my mind while I'm trying to dig us out.  

And this is how Murphy enjoys a snow day.  I think he has the right idea!

Stay safe and warm!  


1 comment:

  1. Hi Dawn!
    We ended up with 17 inches here!
    It was beautiful while it was coming down.
    It was nice to have a big snow event around Christmas.
    Now the digging out begins!
    Hope you are cozy as can be, my dear friend.
