On Saturday afternoon I took my daughter to a funeral of a beautiful twenty year old young lady who danced at the same studio. It was requested that guests wear florals, something Amelia loved. We sat among a crowded church in our floral dresses watching what was the most precious and Holy Spirit filled funeral service I have ever attended. This one was a first for Bri. A few pastors and her family shared heartfelt memories in their eulogies, we sang a few songs and a group of girls from the studio even danced. It was a remarkable celebration of life; a life gone far too soon.
In December the studio put on a production called Messiah, which was about the life of Jesus starting with creation and ending with Jesus ascending into Heaven. Amelia played the Holy Spirit and we all, unaware at the time of what was to come, saw a glimpse of her in Heaven. She is there now. I only knew her because of that production and Bri knew her from being a substitute teacher in her class before. Being that this is her first year, Bri still hasn't had a chance to get to know many people yet. However, the church was filled with people who knew Amelia, either from the time she was small or, like us, most recently. One thing I learned is just how much this young woman had accomplished in just twenty years, which also included spending a few years living in Hawaii with her twin sister, Sophia. Sophia was also in the accident, but managed to survive with a broken femur.
It's really sad to think of how one moment could change so much. I imagine the three sisters, as they were driving home that Friday evening from a dance rehearsal, singing along to their favorite music as they laughed and talked about what the day had brought them. I'm sure they even talked about the plans they had for the next day. Then within a split second, with no time to react, a car coming from the other lane swerves into their lane causing the driver to swerve so she doesn't hit that other car but instead slams into a tree. They still have yet to find who that other driver was and we aren't sure if they realize how their inability to follow proper driving procedures cost the life of one young, sweet woman.
This accident can give us all a reminder that the next day is not promised to us. It doesn't matter how old we are or how healthy we are. Our time can even come when we least expect it, when we are not prepared for it.
{picture of Amelia taken and created by Lovefusion Photography. I do not own the rights}
I did not know Amelia personally and I never had a chance to talk to her or hear that contagious laugh her loved ones kept talking about. All that I know are the things that were said about her. A kind, loving, always happy but quiet girl who lived her life loving and serving God. She even made sure when she danced she did it for Him. It was remarkable seeing how many people she touched with her kindness and how much light she gave to those around her. I'll never understand how God could take a person like her from this world so soon while her loved ones live out the rest of their days grieving such a loss. A life like Amelia's is a life God calls us all to be. As my life continues to go on, and until I'm called home, I will do my best to live for and serve God the best that I can. Because I, too, want to hear those words, "Well done good and faithful servant."