Tuesday, January 30, 2018


Valentines Day is quickly approaching, which means I'm going to see some Facebook posts from people stating their aggravation towards this "Hallmark made up holiday" and "we should be showing our love towards each other every day, not just one day of the year."  There are many legends about who St. Valentine was and why this holiday of love got started but I can tell you that these tales dated long before Hallmark first opened up its doors.  Yes, the card store does profit well in the month of February but it has nothing to do with the start of Valentines Day.

Valentines Day is not for everyone and I understand that.  Even those who have significant others find themselves uninterested in the day and that's okay. I only wish people could use their negative rants and energy on something more useful and allow those of us who love the day to be able to enjoy it without all the hate that's wrapped around it. 

I do remember what Valentines Day was like when I was single.  It was just another day.  Nothing more.  Even though I didn't have anyone to celebrate with I still appreciated the significance of the holiday.  One of those years my father presented me with white socks that had red outlined hearts all over them.  I loved it and still wear them every year.  What can I say, a father is a daughter's first true love. 

I can recall one particular Valentines Day 11 years ago when my husband and I were both off of work because of a terrible snow storm.  I was in the process of making a lasagna when the power went out and left us with no electricity for quite some time.  My son was born 40 weeks later.  That is when Valentines Day became more than just a day for me and my love.  I also use the day to spoil my children because, hey, I love them too!

 My husband and children definitely get plenty of love and attention from me throughout the entire year but I do enjoy spending a little money and time on them on the 14th of February.  Just like Christmas and birthdays, my children love receiving gifts and I enjoy seeing their faces light up when they open them.  It's usually small items like candy, a stuffed animal and maybe a book but it's my way of showing them just how much they mean to me.  I also get my husband some chocolate and something else too.  We all dress in red and I turn as many foods as I can into heart-shapes; such as pancakes, sandwiches, potato fries and cake.  The effort is something I am not capable of pulling off every day but my family sure does appreciate these bonuses.

Valentines Day is a good excuse to do something extra special and out of the ordinary for those I love. 

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