July Ramblings


Good morning, almost afternoon, friends!  I'm not so good at keeping this blog updated often.  This summer has been a mix of busy and lazy.  This morning I woke up just before 9am and then had to drop my daughter off to her last dance workshop of the summer at 10.  I'm sitting here sipping on the same cup of coffee since this morning, having reheated it a few times.  I've been cleaning, moved a plant I received from my head cook into a new pot and added it with what's left of the plant a friend had bought for me a few years go.  

It's the end of July and this summer is moving along very quickly.  In one month the kids will be going back to school and I'll be starting work again.  Last post I said how I was being moved to another school but since one of the cafeteria women are moving to an aide position I get to stay.  I'm so relieved!  However, I did apply for a secretary job at the school and have an interview on August 4.  Secretarial is what I did prior to having children and I always had hopes of going back.  Wish me luck, say a prayer!  As my kids are getting older their needs are becoming more expensive so more money would be quite helpful.  

I was just sitting at the computer gathering things needed to transfer my son back to the middle school.  He did part of last year at home through a cyber school and as much as he loved it, my husband and I both agree it's time to send him back to in person.  He's not happy about it but we know it's what's best for him and our family.  I am all for homeschooling and admire those who do it ... but it's just not possible for us at this time.  

I had so many plans for this summer and most of it hasn't been done.  I go to bed late, wake up late and spend the day fighting exhaustion while attempting to get through endless chores.  I don't know why I'm so tired all the time.  Some days I drift off into a mid day nap and that helps but I hate doing that.  I've pushed myself back into exercising because good health is important to me.  I might sneak in the kitchen for a cookie or two throughout the day but most of the day I'm snacking and eating healthy.  Mostly fruit.  

Last week my husband son were at scout camp so it was just me and my daughter having our annual girl time.  We binge watched some of her favorite shows, did some shopping, and made some crafts.  She had a friend over one day where they made slime and had a dance party.  She also started violin lessons once a week.  That's something she wanted to do for awhile.  

I guess that's about it for now.  Time to get more cleaning done before picking up the girl.  Have a wonderful week, everyone!  It's going to be a busy one for us.  

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