Tuesday, January 14, 2025

The Simpler Days

 Oh, how I wish I could go right back to this very moment ... 

When I had to push through the physical exhaustion from having been up throughout the night with a crying, hungry baby while helping the toddler learn all the things needed before entering the school years.  I didn't realize it then but now as I look back I consider them the simpler days.  Because both of them were completely innocent and unaware of just how evil and cruel this world is.  They only felt the comfort and love that was given to them within the four walls of our home. 
Before they knew of the sin around them and in them.  Before being faced with pressure and temptation and then unacceptence from peers when they don't follow along.  Before their hearts were broken from the bullies and wrongly influenced by friends.  Before the stress of keeping up with their grades and making sure they were taking care of all their responsibilities. 
When they looked at me with a smile believing I was the best person in the whole entire universe.  When in sweet, small voices they would tell me they love me while squeezing me tightly.  
The teenage years, although there are good things in this current stage there's also challenges I'm not sure I'm equipped for.  It's been quite a rough few days and all I can think about is the days gone by.  

The simpler days. 

1 comment:

  1. Awww. The teen years were challenging. I had 3 teen boys and I was doing it by myself. Those baby years were the best but one day you will look back on those teen years and smile. Because that’s one thing about those years - they can be humorous and laughing is what gets you through it.
    Beautiful sentimental post that blessed my heart
