Monday, January 6, 2025

First Post of 2025

Happy New Year, friends!  

Let's catch up!

We rang in New Years in the comfort of our own home watching the Times Square ball drop from our television screen.  Then we went to bed after midnight and woke up later than we usually do and hung out at home before eating dinner at The Cracker Barrel all thanks to a gift card Rob received from someone at work.  This is what happens when I try to take a picture of two teenagers.  

Then it was back to school on Thursday and Friday followed by a relaxing weekend.  Now it's Monday, the start of the first full week of the year.  School is closed today and kids had to do their work from home.  Rob has also been doing his work from home.  Why?


Today it snowed and it's still coming down.  We might not see the end until later this evening.  The kids finished up their school work and went outside to play in it for a bit.  

It would seem natural that a Siberian Husky would be excited about the snow but ours looks at it with confusion and refuses to spend too much time outside.  Most huskies will run for miles in the snow pulling a sled behind them.  But my husky would rather ...

Yes, all snuggled on the couch.  

I made the family a pancake and bacon breakfast this morning and stuck a pork roast in the crock pot for dinner.  I also made this delicious coffee cake for them to devour.  It's so delicious.  

The start of 2025 has been a slow paced one and I'm okay with that.  I've also been fighting what I think may be an ear infection but I'm too lazy to call the doctor to have it checked out.  It doesn't hurt, just feels clogged.  

As I consider a new year to be a chance to reset, I haven't really felt a desire to make any changes.  As mentioned in my last post, my word for the year is CONTENTMENT but it so quickly became quite a challenge.  We'll see if I can succeed as the year goes on.  

In 2024 I managed to write 70 posts on here.  Let's see what I can do in 2025.  I'm thinking of changing this blog up a bit with what I share and hopefully can do so more consistently.  

I hope 2025 is a year you, my reader friends, receive many wonderful blessings!  


  1. How fun to be able to go outside to play in the snow! Your husky is adorable! Maybe “contentment” is his word!
    Great blessings to you and yours this new year.

  2. Happy new year wishes! Sounds like the new year is off to a good start! Even your pup is lovin the calm, easy start:) Maybe the kids will go back to school tomorrow...although I drove past our local school this afternoon and they had not even starting clearing the parking lot. Not a good sign. Enjoy these easy days at home - the routine to busy will come before you know it. I look forward to what you might have planned for your blog..and reading your posts!

  3. Hello! Happy New Year! Love your start to the new year, my friend. I finally went to the doctor today for ear, throat and nose stuff. He told me to get Flonase? It helps!!!!! Have a cozy evening, my friend.
