Hello, friends! We have now begun another week and like the months before, March is moving very quickly. In the last few weeks I've sat staring at a blank page on my laptop wondering what I should type. I feel my blog is lacking in any purpose and it is definitely without some sort of routine. I feel stuck in a rut and unable to share anything that's outside of my typical day to day life - which is very monotonous and repetitive. I also tend to go all over the place in my writing but that's exactly how my brain works. So, I thought about itemizing my thoughts, just as I've seen many other bloggers do. Maybe it will help keep things going in a more organized way.

Daylight Savings: This time of year meant we had to move our clocks one hour ahead which caused us to lose sleep but it also means the sun stays out a little later in the evening. In Pennsylvania we experience all four seasons and sometimes it seems we experience all four seasons in one week. One day it's a brisk 40 degrees and the next day it reaches into the 70s. We've been blessed with the 60s and 70s in the last few weeks with sunny skies and a reminder that winter is soon ending. Then again, in the past we've experienced intense snow storms in the middle of March so I'm not holding my breath that this warm weather will last. But I'm hoping. She's hoping too ...
A not so typical husky sunbathing on the back deck.
Back to Baseball: Oh, yes, this is my favorite season for sure! Not only are the professionals gearing up for another season ahead but here in my hometown I get to sit at the field watching my own son play. This year he made Varsity and on the first game of the year he was the one who made the first run for the season. He's been playing ball since the age of 5 and although he hasn't been the best on the team he's worked very, very hard and that's more than enough reason to be proud.

And Now Track, Too: Last summer Matthew found a love and gift for running when he joined the cross country team. Some of his teammates tried talking him into joining track for the spring season and he really wanted to but he also did not want to give up baseball. After talking to the athletic director and coaches they agreed to allow him to do both. The only one in his school to be a dual athlete in the same season. I've been nervous that it's going to wear him out but he insists he'll be fine. So far, he is. In his first meet his team got first place in the 4x800 and he got second place in the individual 800. Unfortunately, I was not there to see it because I had to take Brianna to her dance classes but I do plan on being to as many as I can. Rob was there and he was able to get video and pictures.
March Unofficial Holidays: Fat Tuesday is traditionally celebrated by Catholics and some Christians as a way of preparing for Lent. Some know it as "Mardi Gras" which is French for the words Fat Tuesday. Some call it Shrove Tuesday, which in German means "the eve of the fast" or "fastnaught." There are different ways of celebrating Fat Tuesday but the idea is to eat as much food as possible before Lent begins the next day. Where I live we traditionally celebrate it the PA Dutch way, which is called Fastnaught Day. A Fastnaught is a donut-like dessert, which is usually but not necessarily made from mashed potatoes and other things that can be found in the pantry. I have never made fastnaughts but I do buy them from the local grocery store and it's something we all enjoy. In our home we don't celebrate Lent but that does not stop us from indulging in a little Pennsylvania tradition.

Another thing we amusingly celebrate is on March 14th. Can you guess what it is? Since 3.14 is the first three digits of Pi someone came up with the idea to make it National Pi Day but even to those, like me, who are not even close to being math scholars can find enjoyment in turning it into PIE day. Every year I make pie and it's usually a chocolate pudding pie because that's the only pie the kids will eat.
Brianna wanted to recreate the picture I took five years ago.
Pi Day 2025
Pi Day 2020

St. Patrick's Day: Today is our favorite official holiday of March. It's when we wear green and the kids wake up to find an individual container of Lucky Charms and their own package of Skittles and chocolate coins. When they were little I would pretend they were left from the leprechaun but they have now reached the age of knowing better. I still enjoy keeping up with these silly traditions. It is my hope that my children will look back on their childhood and remember these little traditions I gave them. My mother always made corned beef and cabbage America's signature St. Patrick's Day meal. As much as I like it my husband and kids don't so I go with an authentic Irish dish called "Bangers and Mash," which is sausage and mashed potatoes. Since I'll have to go from watching Matthew's baseball game to running Brianna to her dance studio there will be no time to prepare the meal this evening so I'll have to figure out how to get it done ahead of time and everyone will have to heat it up when they are home. It's the life of having children with after school activities!

Wishing you a bright and happy week ahead! 3 days until SPRING!
ReplyDeleteI remember how it was having my boys in sports! Hectic but I do miss all that. It’s cute how you do St Patrick’s day for your kids. They will look back favorably and even thank you. Mine who are in their 40’s has thanked me for their childhood! That brought happy tears to me!
I’ve never heard of Fastnicht. Looks good.
Your husky is enjoying that warmth from the sun.
I was having similar issues with my blog last year. We all go through it.
You’re doing fine and I enjoy your blog.
Happy St Paddy’s day ☘️