Friday, March 21, 2025

Windy Spring Day

 Today I have realized that my two year old Siberian Husky would not last one minute in Siberia.  Today is a very windy day and when I opened the back door to let her outside she just stood there in fear.  She flinches and jumps every time the wind blows.  

Oh, Brooke!  You amuse me.  

And Happy Spring, everyone!  We have made it through winter.  Living in the middle of farm country means this is the time of year when the smell of cow manure permeates the air as they begin getting the field ready for the season.  It's gross.  I wish there was a way I could put that smell on this post just so you know just how bad it is.  It's a smell I'll never get used to; however, I can appreciate it because this means we will be blessed with plenty of vegetables to eat.  Thank you, farmers!  

I hope this season of Spring brings you many blessings!

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