After I shoveled the small amount we got yesterday more snow came down throughout the rest of the evening and into this morning. We have about 12 inches here. What a beautiful scene to wake up to. I shoveled a little and my husband will go out and snowblow the rest. Yes, it's February 2nd and our outdoor Christmas decorations are still up. Oh, and it's groundhog day. That darn groundhog here in PA saw his shadow so 6 more weeks of winter it is. Ugh!
Murphy is not amused by this fluffy, cold white stuff.
Why is it so impossible to get a decent picture of the kids?
They are snow loving goofballs
Never a dull moment with these two
Mom would like one good picture of the two of you? No? Okay!
I sat with the kids as they did their school work virtually. Wow, all I can say is I give you homeschool moms major credit! You are amazing!!
I'm not feeling so well. I find myself trying to catch my breath as if a panic attack is about to start. There's a lot going on personally and I'm trying to stay sane. Trying! I'm also trying to give myself some time to write this book where I have it all in my head but am having trouble finding the time and patience to get it all down. Eventually. I'm not giving up!