Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Life is Precious.

As I stood at work today (I'm a lunch lady in an elementary school if you didn't know) I looked at all the children with a very heavy heart.  I have a paper that shows my job description and everything I need to do during my time there.  It's never been mentioned and it goes unnoted, but I know one of my jobs is to be a human body shield if needed.  Jumping in front of a child before the bullet hits them, yes I would do that.  

I was thinking of my own children and how devastating it would be if I lost either of them.  How devastating it was for the parents of all nineteen kids who were taken so violently yesterday.  I can't imagine.  I don't want to imagine.

Last night I jumped on Facebook, which I use to keep in touch with out of state family but it also serves as an outlet for me at times, and already the anti-gun comments were being shared.  Now is just not the time.  I decided, for my own sanity to just stay off of that site for a while.  I didn't turn the news on this morning but instead spent some time in the Word.  As soon as I got to work a co-worker started her gun rant so I shut it down quickly and walked away.  A few other co-workers asked how I was doing and what I thought about the situation.  Today was just hard.  

Last night I also watched the series finale of This Is Us.  It's a show about a family from Pittsburg and goes into several different scenarios that each one in the family has faced from childhood onto adulthood.  I've been watching it since the beginning.  The show follows the mother's slow progression through Alzheimer's.  The last episode took place at her funeral.  It might just be a show to a lot of people but it's my reality.  It's what I'm facing and will be facing with my own mother, who is currently in mid-stage Alzheimer's.  So, that too, brought me down.

When I came home from work I played in the dirt and did some planting.  It's amazing what time outside and a little Vitamin D can do ... but not too much Vitamin D ... because I have Basal Cell Nevus Syndrome (continuous skin cancer).  

I'm also feeling emotional at the fact that after next week my daughter, the youngest, will be finished with elementary school and on her way to middle school.  My son will be onto high school.  It's crazy how time flies.  It's pretty sad, actually.  

Life is precious.  It's unpredictable.  It's ever-changing.  It's precious!  

Thanks for letting me do a little emotional venting today!  

1 comment:

  1. God is listening and watching over you and your whole family. One day at a time, Sweet Jesus. Sending a big huggggg.
