Sunday, May 8, 2022

My Mother's Day Prayer

Today is a day to celebrate mothers.  I've been blessed to have given birth to two healthy babies.  My thoughts are always with those that can't.

And as the country is currently fighting between the right of an unborn child vs. the rights of women I feel this incredible desire to spend the day praying.  Praying for the young women out there right now who found out they are pregnant but not willing or feeling able to bring the child into the world.  I pray they recieve comfort, support, and the help needed.  I pray for a broken system where abortions are just a few hundred dollars and adoption is in the thousands.  I pray for the children currently in foster care desperately hoping to find a family to love them.  

I pray we can stop fighting.  I pray we can figure out how to give all life a chance.  

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