Thursday, October 3, 2024

Hello Sunshine

 With the many days of constant rain I was preparing to look up Noah's blueprints on how to build an ark when suddenly this beautiful yellow ball of brightness appeared in the sky.  One of my students I drive to school looked out the window and spoke the exact words I had been thinking, "Look there's the sun.  I haven't seen that in awhile."  

Thank you Lord for all the rain that came after a summer drought here in Pennsylvania but I am most grateful for the sunshine that has now appeared reminding us of Your goodness.  

With the sunshine and dried grass came the sounds of many lawnmowers in the neighborhood.  I had to put the wheels up as high as it would go but I did get the job done in the front yard.  Tomorrow I'll navigate the back.  When my husband and I bought our house about twenty years ago I told him I wanted to be the one to mow the lawn.  With his arthritis I decided to help him out.  Plus, it gives me a reason to keep my body moving while getting some Vitamin D.  I've always loved being outdoors.  

Now let's pull some weeds.  Anyone have any ideas on how to permanently keep these prickly things from growing?