Happy Independence Day

 Happy Independence Day.  Happy birthday to the greatest country there is.  It may not be perfect but I certainly wouldn't want to be anywhere else.  

On Sunday evening we watched an amazing firework show in our church parking lot.  That was pretty much the only thing we did to celebrate the holiday.  I normally try to go all out with decorating the house in red, white and blue while we host a barbecue but today the kids are with my parents, spending a few nights with them.  My husband has been spending the day building the new gate while I stay inside to catch up on cleaning and laundry.   He promised to make me a delicious dinner soon and we may take the puppy to the park later.  

That's it.  Nothing special.   Nothing exciting.   This summer so far has been pretty much nothing enjoyable.   I think I need to change that.  It won't be long before it's back to school.   

Oh, and guess what has been found?   My husband was determined to find it and he did.  Yay!  Back to my story we go.  


  1. I am so happy you found it!!!! I am excited for you, my friend!

  2. Happy Tuesday - hope you are having a good week. Back to school is still aways out:) Hooray for summer!!:)
