The End Of July

 This is the time of year when summer seems to be moving rapidly towards the end.  The following weeks until school will be busy as my son is working on his Eagle Scout project, my daughter and the middle school will be joining the high school for band camp and my daughter will also be turning 12.  As we wrap up on summer I realize all the time that was wasted and all the things we could have done but didn't.  The upcoming school year is filled with uncertainty, anxiety and something new for me but I'm not going to share that news just yet.  

Last week my son went to scout camp and my daughter and I enjoyed a girl's only week.  We relaxed and binged watched television, went to a small carnival and saw the Barbie movie.  Even though I read many reviews beforehand and knew what to expect I was still disappointed in the message the movie was portraying.  As once a little girl who used to play Barbies and had a ton of Barbies and just one or two Kens I understood why Ken was portrayed as nothing more than "just Ken" while Barbie got all the glory but there was definitely a political message that was too much and unnecessary.   Thankfully my dad paid for our tickets because there's no way I would have.   But enough of that.  

The day after my son came home from camp my husband had a surprise for us but I do think this kind of trip would have been better for just the boys.   It was hot, crowded and miserable.   The Washington Commanders training camp in Virginia.   
But I think my daughter cheered up when she had the opportunity to meet some cheerleaders.  
Well, July, that's a wrap!


  1. Sorta surprising to realize that July is actually over...can August really be here already? And another school year? I hope this next few weeks will be fun as you get ready for school.

  2. Hello! Prayers as you all prepare for another school year. These summers seem to fly right by, don't they? I agree with you on the Barbie movie. Why does everything have to have a message/agenda? Ugh! Stay cool and cozy, my friend.
