Monday, May 13, 2024

Happy Mother's Day

 I hope you wonderful ladies had an amazing Mother's Day yesterday.  

This was the only picture taken of the day.  A carnation and cupcake given to all ladies over the age of 18 at church.  I love that they include all women.  Mother's Day looks different for everyone.  Some of us still have our mothers.  Some of us have children.  Some have lost their mothers.  Some have lost children.  Or some women never experienced having children at all.  Whatever it is, I hope you all managed to find some kind of joy in the day.  

I guess I'm not following proper blogging etiquette by my lack of pictures.  There was no photo taken of me and the kids.  No photo taken of me and my mom.  Well, a few of me opening my presents but I'll skip posting those anyway.  

My son woke up with a headache so we allowed him to stay  home and sleep while the three of us went to church.  Then we went home and Rob worked hard at preparing a delicious dinner and dessert for me, my mom (and dad came along too) and his mother.  Twelve years ago my mother had a stroke and we thought we were going to lose her so every year with her is a gift that I do not take for granted.  My mother-in-law, well, let's say we have a complicated relationship.  

I do have a picture of this Boston Cream cake Rob made for dessert.  Boston Cream donuts are a favorite for both me and my mom.  This was good.  You did great, Rob!  Thank you!  

I wish I had a picture with me and the kids.  I love seeing everyone's progression pictures through the years but I lack in remembering to capture those.  Even with all of my surgery scars, it would be nice to see.  My son is now taller than me.  My daughter is slowly catching up but she's taller than her grandmothers.  

And now we are back to Monday.  A busy week of cleaning, running errands, celebrating my mom's birthday and watching my girl's chorus concert.  Also, this Saturday we will be celebrating 22 years of marriage.  

Have a great week!  The sun is shining today but we may see some rain throughout the week.  I need to get to my gardening.  

1 comment:

  1. Sure your day was super extra special! We (my parents and me) always asked my brother who was in the Navy to send pictures of all the places he was stationed. Not a one! He always said the pictures were in his mind. All my immediate family (grandparents, parents, brothers, aunts and uncles) are all gone, but I have boxes of pictures, not just in my mind. So, Happy Mother's Day to you for being a great Mom. Oh, you've got to share Rob's Boston Creme cake recipe, pretty please! We always get those donuts at Kroger or Publix (which are the very best [chocolate, sounds like a commercial]. If I forget, Happy 22nd Anniversary with many, many more years. They do fly right on by; ours will be 54 this year. Do have a non-tumultuous week.
