Tuesday, May 28, 2024

May Has Been ...

 Busy!  As May always is.  This is the month when there are a ton of activities while school winds down, birthdays and an anniversary.  

Let's start with the anniversary.  On the 18th Rob and I celebrated 22 years of marriage.  The kids were gone all day doing separate activities so we had the house to ourselves.  What did we do?  We rested.  We just laid around and did nothing.  It was wonderful.  Then in the evening when the kids were back home we all went to an Italian restaurant together.  Rob wanted to take me on a lunch date but I wanted the kids to be part of it.  Unfortunately, there are no pictures of that day.  I slack in that department, you know that by now.  

On the 23rd my husband turned 45 years old.  He finally caught up to me but I still refer to him as an old man.  The day fell on a Thursday this year so we had work and school and then Matt had baseball practice while Bri was at dance.  I did make him his favorite lasagna, what has been an annual tradition.  That was also our 24th anniversary of making our relationship "official."  

I finally got the garden planted, so far we only have tomato and pepper plants.  I'm not sure if I want to add more.  I still have to plant the flowers that go around the garden to keep the aphids out.  I've also been working on housework and cleaning out the house, finding things that can be sold at the yard sale in a few weeks.  

Today we are back to our routine after a three-day Memorial Day weekend.  It was busy.  On Saturday my brother and his wife, niece and her boyfriend and her two kids came to visit from Long Island.  My great nephew was playing in a soccer tournament game in Harrisburg, just 30 miles from where I live.  It was so awesome to be able to meet them there and see him in action.  Despite the team losing, he's a really great player.  I'm very proud.  On Sunday we went to church and then had lunch with friends afterwards.  It was a good visit but the conversation was tough, and I'll leave it at that.  On Monday Rob made a delicious smoked ribs and mac n cheese.  So good!  

This is the last week of school for my kids.  My son finished his cyber classes last week but still has his piano class at the school.  We are all set for him to go fully back to in person next school year and our fingers are crossed he'll be able to stay the entire year.  His migraine attacks have been difficult.  I think we are all looking forward to summer vacation.  

The hardest part of a 3-day weekend is having to remind myself that today is Tuesday.  

1 comment:

  1. Happy Anniversary you two; Happy Birthday Rob; and Happy Official Anniversary. Got to say, that Rob is a keeper with his culinary skills. Have a great rest of this messed up week and upcoming summer holiday. Mary in GA
