Monday, June 3, 2024

We Made It

 We did it, folks!  We made it to the end of the school year and it had been a very challenging one.  I really did not think we would get through all of the obstacles but the kids passed their classes and are onto the next grade.  It's hard to believe at the end of August they will be starting their 8th and 11th grade years.  I'm just hoping next year is a little more kinder to us.  

And I completed my first year as a school van driver.  Throughout the year my schedule kept changing, which gave me the opportunity to meet some wonderful kids.  I listened as they talked, offered advice, sang along with them to the music on the radio, laughed, and sometimes became a little frustrated too.  Many years ago my friend, who was a bus driver there, tried to get me to become a bus driver too.  I actually began the training and did quite well but with my youngest still being a preschooler it was hard to find someone to watch her while I trained the required hours.  So, I gave up and a few years later ended up working in one of the cafeterias, which I do not regret.  But working for this bus company had continued being a thought in my head.  When I found out I could drive van, with no CDL needed, I went for it.  The management is amazing and for the first time I work for people who actually show appreciation.  Sometimes I would even find a cash bonus in my mailbox or an extra bonus in my paycheck.  The van, that I was allowed to keep home, has been returned to the bus lot and I'm eager to start back up in a few months.  But for now ... 

Let's enjoy Summer!  Our schedule is already filling up and I have a feeling it's going to move fast.  Today we started the summer reading club hosted by the library where the kids win prizes for the minutes they read.  The older they get seems to become more of a chore getting them to actually read.  I told my son reading his driving manual will count towards the minutes.  I'm trying to get him motivated.  They also have a program where you can go hiking at different parks around the county, reading clues and finding the post at the end with the picture you have to rub onto a piece of paper.  In the many years of doing this we only accomplished all 30 a few years ago.  Last year we did 2 because I thought the kids weren't interested until my son waited until the end of summer to remind me that we did not do them and he wanted to.  Ugh.  So, we are making it a goal to get them all done this year.  My son is into it.  My daughter, not so much.  It's a good way for this mama to get in her exercise, another plan of mine for the summer.  

So, in this sweltering heat of trying to avoid sun to skin contact as much as possible (because ... skin cancer) I'm going to do my best to enjoy the down time with my kids who are growing up much too fast.  

1 comment:

  1. Yay!!!!! Happy summer vacation!!!! Yes to the avoiding of the sun, thank you! Enjoy your precious kiddos!
