Friday, June 14, 2024

One Year With Brooke

 My camera roll lately has been mostly all about this husky.  My husband asked me why I take a picture of her all the time when she's sleeping.  Because she's cute when she's all snuggled up.  Huskies are usually a very active breed but this one is definitely a sleeper.  Only when company is over does she get a little too wild.  It drives my dad crazy and he thinks this is how she is all the time.  

This week marked exactly one year since we brought her home from the SPCA.  We treated her to a frosty paw, which she gobbled up very quickly.  

I still look at her and wonder why we even thought it was a good idea to get a Siberian Husky.  I'd rather stick to the small breeds and maybe I will in the future.  Still, she is a good dog.  She's terrible for me on walks so I never walk her.  We had a trainer come and teach us how to properly walk her and she's great for my husband but not for the rest of us.  I'm just someone she prefers snuggling with and that's okay too.  I know she'd be happier if we had another dog in the house but I refuse to get another husky and then I'll be stuck with another big dog because if we get anything too small she'd probably rip the poor thing to pieces (just by being too playful).  

I do love this girl and feel glad we gave her a home.  My husband always wanted a husky.  


  1. Happy Birthday, Brooke. And a great fun-filled summer, with splashes of relaxation in between, for you and the kiddos.

  2. I'm sure you cute pup just enjoys snuggling with you as well. She knows her people...and who likes what!:) Hooray for celebrating with cold treats!!
