Friday, June 21, 2024

Heat Wave


Hello friends!  I have nothing exciting or out of the ordinary to report.  It's been a busy week in the midst of a heatwave.  We'll see mid 90° temps today with a heat index that will make it feel 100°.  I'll stay inside until my son's baseball game tonight.  The house needs attention, anyway, as it always does.  I'm trying to declutter and reorganize but that has been a much needed project for several years.  The downstairs area that has been used as a playroom for the kids is nothing but one big mess because my kids, who are now teens, still can't seem to figure out how to put things away.  There are so many toys that they don't even play with anymore.  We had some of it out for a yard sale and I'm either going to add the rest to Craigslist or just throw it all away.  I just want it gone but at the same time I'm going to miss it all because these are all things of their childhood.  Clutter gives me anxiety and I can't take it anymore.  

In the beginning of the week I met a friend for iced coffee.  She is someone from our church and the two of us found friendship because of our husbands.  It was a nice conversation with someone who has strong faith and wisdom.  She helped me see things in a different way and I left feeling very good about myself.  I have prayed for Christian friendships and lately God has blessed me with quite a few.  

My son has three ball games this week and I've sat under my shaded chair watching all of them.  He doesn't play much and it can be frustrating.  As he's sitting on the bench I think of how more beneficial it would be if he was just working a job and saving money instead.  It's also been difficult seeing him have no desire to get his driver's license but I don't want to rush him into doing something he's nervous about.  In time he will do all the things he needs to.  Right now he's a student athlete and I'm proud.  

Yesterday my dad asked if I could come over and stay with my mom while he went to a doctor appointment.  Then I took him to drop his car off at the dealership to have something fixed on his brand new car.  I drove him around to run his errands and he treated me to lunch.  I grabbed a pizza on the way home and made it just in time for hubby to eat before rushing off to a school board meeting.  The meetings are getting pretty interesting as they are moving forward on a new gender policy.  It's sad what this country is becoming but I'll spare my feelings on here.  Maybe someday I'll speak up but not now.  

And as I type we got the news that the game is cancelled tonight due to the heat.  Hey, I'll take it!  

I wish there was more to say but I did want to check in, at least.  I wish you a safe and happy weekend!  Stay cool!

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