Monday, May 6, 2024

Just Another Manic Monday

 Greetings, my friends and readers!  I try really hard to keep my blog a place of positivity and encouragement but I also have to be real, because maybe someone out there needs to read that there is someone else struggling.  As I'm coming out of my winter blues I've been fighting with a different type of an emotional battle and a spiritual one too.  As I dive deeper in prayer and scripture reading it seems as though the devil wants to attack my mind even harder and it's not always easy pushing him away.  

These cooler, rainy days aren't helping.  It was a rainy weekend and although there's a break at the moment more rain is expected all week.  This is supposed to be my son's last week of the baseball season but it may be a wash-out.  This is the weather that calls for laziness.  

I really should invest in a new book to read, or borrow one at the library, or just wipe the dust off of one I already have on the shelf.  But is there even any time?  The other evening I sat with my laptop and wrote my manuscript, only to find myself so aggravated.  The entire idea is in my head but getting it down is a monotonous nightmare.  Then another story idea pops in my head.  And another.  Then I get my mind twisted in not knowing which direction to go.  I guess that's God's way of giving me more ideas for more books ... but I have to get the first one done FIRST.  

The weekend went by fast.  We were going to stop at my parents house on Saturday but my dad said it would be better not to drive in the rain.  So, we stayed home and got some things done around the house.  I can't remember what else we did.  On Sunday my husband made his own way to church but my daughter had to be at a semi-formal for her dance studio.  It was a nice event and she's glad she went.  
There she is with two of her friends (both sisters).  I'm thankful for these girls but it looks as though they have found a new dance studio to join next year.  We were thinking of checking it out, too, because there's been a lot of drama in the current one but Bri said, "Mom, I just want to dance I can ignore the drama."  What a big girl thing to say.  I mean, she used to care so much about what others think of her.  Oh, and yes, that's my daughter sporting her Converse sneakers instead of dress shoes.  That's her style.  

In an hour I head out for my afternoon van run, then grab my own kids from school in between, then home to make dinner, daughter has dance, son has baseball practice.  This is why I sleep so well at night.  

Have a great week and if you're in the vicinity of all this rain I hope you stay dry and cozy.  

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