Friday, May 17, 2024

My Mom is 79

 Yesterday my beautiful mother turned 79 years old.  Every year is a milestone and blessing because when she had a stroke 12 years ago the doctor said she only had a 20 percent chance of surviving it.  She never made a full recovery but she's still with us, now fighting the uncurable Alzheimer's.  

I wanted to give her a special day.  Make her dinner, eat ice cream cake and then have them join us for our daughter's chorus concert.  The evening felt disastrous.  She was very much out of it, my dad was in a bad mood to a point he even yelled at my kids, my daughter was in a bad mood, my husband was not being helpful as I tried disciplining my kids over something they did ... it was, well, not a good day.  The good thing about the disease is my mother probably doesn't remember any of it.  As I showered last night tears filled my face and I went to bed asking myself why life has to be this way.

I'm sorry if I'm a downer with this post.  This is my life and my life isn't easy.  

 I will say, my mother has been an amazing person throughout my life.  She always showed love and kindness and had always been very patient.  She always kept her door open to any visitors and treated my friends as her own.  She's been my strength and blessing.  I am thankful for her.  


  1. Hello, sweet friend. First of all, Happy and Blessed Birthday to your beautiful momma. You look like her!! And hugs for your heart. I know exactly how you feel, and it sucks. But you are right. This horrible disease takes so much from our loved ones, and from us. A comfort I find is that all the love, strength, joy, kindness, patience, and care my mom showed me throughout my life, I am able to show her now. Your Momma knows how much you love her. Promise.

  2. Happy Birthday to your Mom. What a beautiful daughter to treat her to a special day, despite the ups-and-downs. You are all blessed in having her and able to have memories. Life in general is a burden in one form or another, with everyone's different from the next. Take each day that God has given us, prayers up to Him for guidance and believe. Stay strong dear lady. GA Mary
