Friday, June 28, 2024

Thoughts on A Friday

 If you've watched the presidential debate last night you're probably as confused as I am of how anyone could believe that one of them is physically and mentally fit to be president.  I'm not sure how anyone couldn't see what I noticed.  Admittedly, we did not watch the entire thing but enough to see that if things don't change we are in big trouble.  

However, my faith is strong enough to know that no matter who is president we have the One true King and He is the ruler over everything.  We may be fighting a battle but He's already won it.  I put my faith and trust in where it belongs.  

I just finished a book titled Coming Home by Karen Kingsbury.  She's one of my favorite authors.  This book finishes the series about the Baxter Family.  Amazon has a show about the Baxters and I began watching it yesterday.  So good.  If you love faith based fictional books she's a good author for it.  Her stories always leave me crying and wanting to more.  My son was excited to show me he received a letter yesterday from Kingsbury about her thoughts on Liberty University, which is one of the colleges he's been thinking about attending.  Matthew wants to go out of state, which leaves me feeling devastated but also proud.  We have two years so I'll keep it out of my mind for now.  

Rob took off work today and the boys are finishing up the Eagle Scout project and my daughter is getting ready to go camping with her friend's family.  This will be a weekend dedicated to the boy until she returns on Sunday.  The calendar is filling up with so many things and it looks as though we'll have no time for a beach vacation.  

And here's a picture of our girl bathing under the sun.  

Happy weekend! 

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Saturday Hiking

 Earlier this morning when my husband was out taking our son to cross country practice and the daughter was still sleeping I decided to take my coffee outside to read some Scripture and then write my seemingly never-ending manuscript.  

As soon as the boys returned the girl finally woke up and the temperature was becoming unbearable.  

My son had ran 4 miles and they talked about needing to do a 10 mile hike for his hiking merit badge.  My husband said he could walk 6 more miles and it would count for the 10.  So together we all went to the rail trail to help him reach that goal and did a few of the summer's rubbing posts along the way.  So far we've completed 7.  23 more to go!

It's hot outside today, almost 100° but we were all determined to be brave.  The daughter whined a little bit but perked up after stopping at a convenient store for a slushy.  
Don't let those smiles fool you.   We were hurting a bit.  
This may have been the first time we've actually seen a train go by on the rail trail.  
There's the rubbing post.  Instead of turning around immediately after we kept going to get the rest of the mileage Matt needed.  Well, except the last half mile.

We saved the last half mile for another trail that led us to a different rubbing post (after getting those slushies).

After a cold shower I'm relaxing for the rest of the day but today was worth documenting.

Friday, June 21, 2024

Heat Wave


Hello friends!  I have nothing exciting or out of the ordinary to report.  It's been a busy week in the midst of a heatwave.  We'll see mid 90° temps today with a heat index that will make it feel 100°.  I'll stay inside until my son's baseball game tonight.  The house needs attention, anyway, as it always does.  I'm trying to declutter and reorganize but that has been a much needed project for several years.  The downstairs area that has been used as a playroom for the kids is nothing but one big mess because my kids, who are now teens, still can't seem to figure out how to put things away.  There are so many toys that they don't even play with anymore.  We had some of it out for a yard sale and I'm either going to add the rest to Craigslist or just throw it all away.  I just want it gone but at the same time I'm going to miss it all because these are all things of their childhood.  Clutter gives me anxiety and I can't take it anymore.  

In the beginning of the week I met a friend for iced coffee.  She is someone from our church and the two of us found friendship because of our husbands.  It was a nice conversation with someone who has strong faith and wisdom.  She helped me see things in a different way and I left feeling very good about myself.  I have prayed for Christian friendships and lately God has blessed me with quite a few.  

My son has three ball games this week and I've sat under my shaded chair watching all of them.  He doesn't play much and it can be frustrating.  As he's sitting on the bench I think of how more beneficial it would be if he was just working a job and saving money instead.  It's also been difficult seeing him have no desire to get his driver's license but I don't want to rush him into doing something he's nervous about.  In time he will do all the things he needs to.  Right now he's a student athlete and I'm proud.  

Yesterday my dad asked if I could come over and stay with my mom while he went to a doctor appointment.  Then I took him to drop his car off at the dealership to have something fixed on his brand new car.  I drove him around to run his errands and he treated me to lunch.  I grabbed a pizza on the way home and made it just in time for hubby to eat before rushing off to a school board meeting.  The meetings are getting pretty interesting as they are moving forward on a new gender policy.  It's sad what this country is becoming but I'll spare my feelings on here.  Maybe someday I'll speak up but not now.  

And as I type we got the news that the game is cancelled tonight due to the heat.  Hey, I'll take it!  

I wish there was more to say but I did want to check in, at least.  I wish you a safe and happy weekend!  Stay cool!

Friday, June 14, 2024

One Year With Brooke

 My camera roll lately has been mostly all about this husky.  My husband asked me why I take a picture of her all the time when she's sleeping.  Because she's cute when she's all snuggled up.  Huskies are usually a very active breed but this one is definitely a sleeper.  Only when company is over does she get a little too wild.  It drives my dad crazy and he thinks this is how she is all the time.  

This week marked exactly one year since we brought her home from the SPCA.  We treated her to a frosty paw, which she gobbled up very quickly.  

I still look at her and wonder why we even thought it was a good idea to get a Siberian Husky.  I'd rather stick to the small breeds and maybe I will in the future.  Still, she is a good dog.  She's terrible for me on walks so I never walk her.  We had a trainer come and teach us how to properly walk her and she's great for my husband but not for the rest of us.  I'm just someone she prefers snuggling with and that's okay too.  I know she'd be happier if we had another dog in the house but I refuse to get another husky and then I'll be stuck with another big dog because if we get anything too small she'd probably rip the poor thing to pieces (just by being too playful).  

I do love this girl and feel glad we gave her a home.  My husband always wanted a husky.  

Monday, June 10, 2024

9 Years of Dancing

 9 years of dancing finished with an amazing show of Cinderella and Magnificent Musicals.  It's always great to see how much this girl has grown as a dancer and seeing her shine on stage.  This year felt a little different and she has been questioning if she wants to continue and where she wants to continue.  She's been at the same studio for all 9 years with an expectation of staying until graduation; however, the cost of being at this studio mixed with a large amount of drama has made us consider other options.  I just don't want her to stop doing something she has loved for so long.

Because of the drama three of her friends have decided to move to another dance studio.  This one is run by a devout Christian who makes her studio a place for worship and outreach.  We have an appointment to check it out on Thursday and I've been praying that God gives us a clear answer on whether we should go there or stay where we are.  It seems unfair that she would have to leave a studio that's been her home for almost a decade all because of some rude girls but sometimes change can be a good thing.  I've been looking for God to help guide me, surrendering to Him, asking for a sign.  

Speaking of a sign, we went to the grocery store last night for some ice cream after a hike around the park, when we noticed this cross in the sky.  Coincidence, or was God reminding us to trust in Him?  

Monday, June 3, 2024

We Made It

 We did it, folks!  We made it to the end of the school year and it had been a very challenging one.  I really did not think we would get through all of the obstacles but the kids passed their classes and are onto the next grade.  It's hard to believe at the end of August they will be starting their 8th and 11th grade years.  I'm just hoping next year is a little more kinder to us.  

And I completed my first year as a school van driver.  Throughout the year my schedule kept changing, which gave me the opportunity to meet some wonderful kids.  I listened as they talked, offered advice, sang along with them to the music on the radio, laughed, and sometimes became a little frustrated too.  Many years ago my friend, who was a bus driver there, tried to get me to become a bus driver too.  I actually began the training and did quite well but with my youngest still being a preschooler it was hard to find someone to watch her while I trained the required hours.  So, I gave up and a few years later ended up working in one of the cafeterias, which I do not regret.  But working for this bus company had continued being a thought in my head.  When I found out I could drive van, with no CDL needed, I went for it.  The management is amazing and for the first time I work for people who actually show appreciation.  Sometimes I would even find a cash bonus in my mailbox or an extra bonus in my paycheck.  The van, that I was allowed to keep home, has been returned to the bus lot and I'm eager to start back up in a few months.  But for now ... 

Let's enjoy Summer!  Our schedule is already filling up and I have a feeling it's going to move fast.  Today we started the summer reading club hosted by the library where the kids win prizes for the minutes they read.  The older they get seems to become more of a chore getting them to actually read.  I told my son reading his driving manual will count towards the minutes.  I'm trying to get him motivated.  They also have a program where you can go hiking at different parks around the county, reading clues and finding the post at the end with the picture you have to rub onto a piece of paper.  In the many years of doing this we only accomplished all 30 a few years ago.  Last year we did 2 because I thought the kids weren't interested until my son waited until the end of summer to remind me that we did not do them and he wanted to.  Ugh.  So, we are making it a goal to get them all done this year.  My son is into it.  My daughter, not so much.  It's a good way for this mama to get in her exercise, another plan of mine for the summer.  

So, in this sweltering heat of trying to avoid sun to skin contact as much as possible (because ... skin cancer) I'm going to do my best to enjoy the down time with my kids who are growing up much too fast.