Lifting My Hands to His

 "I. the LORD your God, hold your right hand and say to you, "Do not fear, I will help you,"

 -- Isaiah 41:13

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This verse was in my morning devotional for the day and definitely served as a reminder I needed to hear.  In my attempt to surrender more to God I find some things are harder to let go of.  The demands of being a homemaker, wife and mother seem more than I can handle at times.  I'm sure every wife and mother can attest to that.  That's not to say I'm not enjoying my life, and I truly do feel blessed, but that never stops those difficult moments from happening. I won't share the specifics on the current events that are taking place but it sure has me feeling defeated.  Then I come across that verse and am reminded that I am not alone in any of it.  After reading the verse and the writings from the author that followed, I reached up my right hand, closed my eyes and asked God to take my hand and guide me as I continue walking through these things.  The clarity I received after that prayer was so humbling and filled me with peace.  Then as I took some of my free time to browse Instagram this verse appeared randomly:

"I will answer your cry for help every time you pray, and you will find and feel my presence even in your time of pressure and trouble.  I will be your glorious hero and give you a feast." -- Psalm 91:15

Wow!  For anyone who is doubting God I can't say it enough just how much you are missing out.  He definitely has provided me with the comfort in knowing that even though my current circumstances feel so difficult these things will come to pass.  These battles I'm facing are only temporary and He has my hand through it all.  So, if you are struggling with anything right now I encourage you to surrender it to God and allow Him to grab your hand and guide you through the fire.  

I've also been feeling a call to write and share more as I journey into the year while surrendering all of my struggles to God.  So, be expecting more formal posts such as this.  I hope they bring encouragement to you.  

1 comment:

  1. What wonderful verse reminders those are! I pray they continue to comfort and encourage you with whatever you are going through. And, I love your header here:)
