Tuesday, August 27, 2024

So Much To Do ...

It's 9 o'clock in the morning and I've already managed to get some things done and before I continue on with a day of housecleaning and running this one here and that one there I thought I'd take a moment to pause.  While my husband and kids are working their butts off in work and school I feel guilty when I sit mine down to blog.  There is so much to get done around the house from laundry, to sweeping and dusting, to grocery shopping and meal planning, yard work, reorganizing, decluttering and so much more and yet here I am just soaking in a few moments of peace.  I miss my family when they are gone but I also enjoy the quietness.  I spend an hour in the morning driving students to school and then I'm back at it for another hour in the afternoon.  Even with this part-time job it still feels like I'm a full-time housewife.  It still counts, right?  While I'm alone I will either put on some music, or listen to my Bible app or a podcast/YouTube video while getting the cleaning done.  But taking these moments to write either on the blog or something on Word feels therapeutic.  Writing has always been my escape.  

My kids seem to be off to a good start with school.  At least, they aren't doing any complaining.  Matthew has been staying after for cross country practice and last Friday was the first time he got to perform with the marching band during the season opening football game.  It felt like a full circle moment as I remembered my time with the high school marching band in the 1990s, although I was in the colorguard.  He plays trumpet.  

We were supposed to meet my niece and her family who were camping in Gettysburg last weekend but they were all sick.  So, we spent the evening in Gettysburg anyway.  We did not visit the battlefield this time but we did enjoy a little shopping and dinner at a buffet.  It was disheartening to find out General Pickett Buffet had closed down, we enjoyed many meals there over the years.  We did find another one a few miles down the road that we did not even know existed.  It was located on the bottom floor of a hotel that looks like a barn.  

I don't have many pictures taken from the weekend.  I'm trying to just soak in the moments by being in the moment but sometimes I need to remind myself that it's great to have those pictures to document for memory sake.  Any time I take a picture my kids will ask, "Are you going to put that on Instagram?" Last night when I asked my husband for the picture of the restaurant he asked, "Is this for the blog?"  Ha ha!  Okay, yes then!  

Now it's time to get my butt into gear as I try to figure out how to get it all done.  Being a housewife and mother is filled with chaos but, nevertheless, I'm grateful for it all.  I'm thankful for this life.  

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Back To The Grind

 My alarm went off at 5:40 am.  I spent a few moments still laying in bed praying to God and asking Him to help my children get through their first day of school and the rest of the year.  I went across the hallway to wake up my eighth grader and then stepped into the kitchen to make a cup of coffee for both me and my hubby.  My eleventh grader, who doesn't have to leave until a half hour after his sister, wanted me to wait until 6:30 to wake him up.  I could hear the nervousness in his tone and see it in his expression.  The bus came to pick up middle school and then high school.  I don't have to start my school van run until Thursday, since the kids I pick up are going to a different school in another town.  I intend on taking these two days to focus on the home.  But for now, I'll enjoy the quiet with a cup of coffee and this blog.  

It's hard to grasp the idea that my children are growing so quickly.  I'll be thinking about them all day hoping that everything is going well.  

The weeks ahead are going to be very busy in the evenings with back to school nights, cross country practices/meets, band rehearsals, Friday night football games, and dance starts for the girl in September.  Speaking of dance, on Sunday we picked up her first pair of pointe shoes.  I almost cried when the woman at the store said "Congratulations, you just got your first pair of pointe shoes," as Brianna smiled from ear to ear.  

It brings such a shock to all of us with how quickly summer went by.  Gone are the days of sleeping in and moving at a slower pace.  The weather is cooling giving us a taste of the upcoming autumn season and we are already anticipating when summer vacation arrives again.  The calendar is filled with many activities, which began to give feelings of stress and anxiety, but I was reminded in my daily devotional reading that God is in control.  Now that my children's days will be in a set schedule it's time to get my own routine going.  Housework, meal prepping, exercising, daily devotions, work, and of course, time for this blog.  

Good luck to all the kiddos heading back to school.  

Brooke is loving the one on one attention this morning.

Friday, August 16, 2024

The Last Week And Turning 13

 We are winding down on the last week of summer vacation and I look back and wonder if we did enough.  We did not complete all 30 hikes for the summer club and my son, who is very frustrated in me over that, reminded me of that yesterday.  I feel bad.  But vacation starts with this feeling that we have so much time and then suddenly it ends.  My father was hoping to take him fishing and that did not happen either.  We went on one vacation to the beach and the kids had a little time with friends but I had not seen any of mine in a long time.  I did, in fact, enjoy the slower paced mornings where I can read my Bible and sip a cup of coffee in quiet while the kids were still sleeping.  By next Tuesday we will all be awake early and rushing to make it out the door on time.  I read a few blogs from homemaking, homeschooling moms and I just envy that slower paced lifestyle but that's not us right now.  Well, some days are but not all.  My kids love to be active and it's definitely what they are.  

Added to the chaos of the last week was my daughter's thirteenth birthday.  My youngest!  I can't believe how quickly time passes.  I once heard someone say that when you have kids the days are long but the years are short and that is so true.  I think of that newborn baby with lungs filled with fluid struggling to breathe on her first day of life.  Then how loud and demanding she was as a toddler.  Oh, that little one sure gave me a run for my money.  She's still a whiner because she is very sensitive.  She also has a sweet, compassionate heart who cares so much for others.  I know she will do great things with her life.  Brianna, I'm so proud of you!  Here's to the teenage years!  Ahh!  Teenager?  I'm struggling with that.  

Every year we give our kids a choice if they want to have a party or go somewhere special for the day.  This year she wanted a party with friends.  We made a decision to have it at a roller skating rink and she celebrated with about a dozen friends.  The night before she made cupcakes for the party.  Half chocolate, half yellow.  This girl loves to bake.  Brooke loves to watch hoping a crumb will fall to the floor.  

Even with the expense, it was nice to have a party somewhere I did not have to worry about entertaining or cleaning.  Her and her friends seemed to have a blast, even though some of them (including my kids) were not avid skaters.  My parents came along to watch.  

On the day of her actual birthday we spent most of  it at home relaxing and enjoying each other's company.  While I was at a quick morning meeting for work Rob took the kids to get donuts for breakfast.  Then we hung out until her hair cut appointment.  

After my son finished his cross country practice we grabbed Subway for dinner (birthday girl request) and had a picnic at a nearby lake.  We were joined by a very friendly duck who insisted we share our subs with her (or him?).  

Then we were back home for cake and presents.  My talented husband is always making cakes for the kids' birthdays and this year she requested an ice cream cake.  Not bad for his first time making an ice cream cake.  

I now have two teenagers in the home.  No more babies.  No more small children.  Two teenagers becoming more independent, unique in their own ways, and opinionated.  I struggle with missing their younger stages but I do enjoy what it is now.  

Friday, August 9, 2024

A Night Of Worship

 Good wonderful, beautiful, rainy Friday morning!  I have a full day of busyness ahead of me but as my husband is at work, my son is at his final day of band camp and my daughter is still sleeping I thought I'd enjoy the quiet house by reading Scripture and then coming on here for a bit.  This may be the last time I get to add an update for a little bit, so here I am.  

It's supposed to be the last day of the rain and then sunny days are ahead.  We sure need the rain but, wow, so much all in one week.  The parents viewing of band night has been moved to inside the high school gym tonight, which won't give the same feeling as being on the football field but at least we get to hear them.  I'm sure it will be loud.

Last night my husband and I drove to Hershey to see two of our favorite Contemporary Christian singers perform in their Summer Worship Tour.  Brandon Lake and Phil Wickham.  Have you heard of them?  A few of my friends introduced me to Contemporary Christian music when I was nineteen and it's mostly what I've listened to ever since.  There's just something about the music that brings me peace and reminds me of the love I have in Jesus.  These two put on a great performance.  

Speaking of worship, lately I've been feeling this deep connection with God.  I have just been feeling His presence constantly and feel as though He's pushing me to do something.  I just don't know what that is yet.  My heart has also been heavy with thinking about all of my lost loved ones.  I'm not sure what to do with all these feelings I've been having but, as with my word for the year was, I'm SURRENDERING it all to God.  

And in our home this morning we are in full celebration mode as we just found out our girl will be moving to pointe for ballet this fall.  She's worked so hard for that.  Congratulations, Brianna!

Now that she's awake it's time to tackle the day.  

God bless!

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

An Intense End to Summer Vacation

 It's been a busy week so far in my home.  How about you?

What started with me trying to locate something my son was missing that he needed for band camp on Monday turned into me going through his room and removing all clothes that no longer fit, and reorganizing his drawers because he stuffs everything everywhere instead of its designated spots.  Messes give me anxiety and my kids seem to have little to no interest in helping out.  I've said it before but I'll say it again, these teen years are a struggle.  

But there's also good to enjoy, too.  My son is halfway through a full week of band camp.  Ten hour days of learning his marching steps while blowing his trumpet.  It had been a long time since he played his trumpet but he seems to have picked it up again quickly.  They are supposed to perform for parents on Friday night and I can't wait.  It reminds me of when I was in the high school color guard.  

But will there be a Friday performance?  Monday was a sunny, hot day for band camp and Tuesday was mostly sunny until an afternoon rainstorm appeared.  Then it continued to storm all night and it's forecasted to continue until Friday night/early Saturday.  After a dry summer we need the rain but this mama needs to watch her kids in their first band performance together.  My daughter, who plays the clarinet in the middle school band, gets to join in for part of it.  

But the rain ... so much of it.  Tomorrow we're expected to see some remnants of Hurricane Debby come to us.  I can tell you, a certain husky isn't thrilled at all.  She hates being wet, yet insists on being outside.  

And being in the midst of so much noise around me pertaining to the upcoming election mixed with trying to figure out how I'm going to get through all that needs done in the next two weeks before school I came across this picture as I browsed Instagram this morning.  There is nothing better than reading the actual Bible but I appreciate when social media throws these reminders at me, too.

I booked a skating party for my daughter's birthday party.  She's really excited and I'm glad I won't have to host anything at my house.  Home birthday parties were easy when they were smaller but figuring out how to entertain a bunch of thirteen year olds was giving me anxiety so this seemed better.  My daughter is invited to a friend's birthday party that is also on the same day as my father's birthday.  I have yet to tell him and I feel bad about it.  I'll still do what I can to do something for him.  Being the only family member here in Pennsylvania for them has been overwhelming.  I'll reach out to see if my siblings want to take a trip to see him that weekend but I doubt they will.  It's a 5 hour drive from Long Island and they are all as busy as I am.  It's been another added anxiety for me, especially when my dad makes remarks making me feel bad for not being around much, but I do what I can do.  My kids are active and it would be unfair to take away all the things that interest them.  So, what do I do?  I also have to get a physical for work, do more school shopping, get through the home clutter, and so on.  Breathe!  I read some of the blogs of women who are stay-at-home moms homeschooling and living a more relaxed slow moving life.  Oh, how I envy that.  This introvert is struggling, I can tell you that.  Remembering to breathe.  Surrendering it to God.  

Friday, August 2, 2024

Dewey Beach, Delaware

I can't believe it's August and we only have three weeks until school and my job begins again.  It feels as though summer vacation starts off slowly but within a blink those back to school emails begin coming in.  August will consist of one more week of band camp, a few birthdays, and prepping our minds for the busy weeks that will be ahead of us.  But for now, I'll enjoy what's left of these slower paced days.    

All four of us had been itching for a beach trip for a long time.  There's just something about that sand and salt water that feels so peaceful and healing.  The beginning of vacation had some issues but as soon as I saw those waves crashing along the Atlantic Ocean I felt at home.  If you don't know, I was born on Long Island and spent my early childhood years there.  The smells, textures, and sounds always brings me back.  We had vacationed at Dewey Beach, Delaware years ago when the kids were smaller and decided to go back.  

My husband and kids are more accustomed to the country life so being at the beach is exciting for them.  

It was our second time staying at the Gold Leaf Hotel at the intersection of Dickinson Ave and Coastal Hwy.  It's a quiet hotel that sits between the ocean and the bay.  

Coastal Hwy is filled with shops, restaurants and bars.  We did a lot of walking, did some shopping, and ate Grotto's Pizza for dinner twice.  

I also had to show off my matching flip-flops and toenails. 

Our second day, which was the only full day, we spent the morning along the water.

The kids enjoyed splashing against the waves while I was content sitting and reading.  

Then we drove to Rehoboth Beach one mile away.  We walked along the boardwalk, did more shopping, the kids played at the arcade and we tried rolled ice cream for the first time.  Have you tried rolled ice cream yet?  It's fun to watch them prepare it and it was delicious.  We only walked a little bit on the sand and did not go to the water.  The reason I don't like Ocean City is because of how crowded it gets, and it's the same for Rehoboth.  So, we headed back to Dewey, which does have a lot of visitors but quite doable for me.  

On the last day we ate an expensive breakfast across the street from the hotel, packed up and checked out.  I couldn't even get myself to see the ocean one more time.  We enjoyed the sales tax-free Delaware by doing some school shopping before heading home.  We also had one free game to a nearby golf course, too.  

We made it back home Wednesday night.  On Thursday my dad asked if the kids could spend the night with them.  School begins again in a few weeks and the calendar will be filled with activities so time with my parents will be few and far between.  While the kids are away I've taken advantage of some relaxing but today will be a busy one of unpacking, cleaning the house, the car, pulling weeds, laundry, preparing dinner, and staying busy until the kids return this evening.  There was so much I wanted to get done this summer but, of course, hardly anything had been accomplished.  I'm learning to accept the phrase it is what it is.  

Even in the imperfect moments of the trip, I'm grateful we had this time to be together as a family.  We have already begun dreaming up next summer's beach vacation.