Friday, August 16, 2024

The Last Week And Turning 13

 We are winding down on the last week of summer vacation and I look back and wonder if we did enough.  We did not complete all 30 hikes for the summer club and my son, who is very frustrated in me over that, reminded me of that yesterday.  I feel bad.  But vacation starts with this feeling that we have so much time and then suddenly it ends.  My father was hoping to take him fishing and that did not happen either.  We went on one vacation to the beach and the kids had a little time with friends but I had not seen any of mine in a long time.  I did, in fact, enjoy the slower paced mornings where I can read my Bible and sip a cup of coffee in quiet while the kids were still sleeping.  By next Tuesday we will all be awake early and rushing to make it out the door on time.  I read a few blogs from homemaking, homeschooling moms and I just envy that slower paced lifestyle but that's not us right now.  Well, some days are but not all.  My kids love to be active and it's definitely what they are.  

Added to the chaos of the last week was my daughter's thirteenth birthday.  My youngest!  I can't believe how quickly time passes.  I once heard someone say that when you have kids the days are long but the years are short and that is so true.  I think of that newborn baby with lungs filled with fluid struggling to breathe on her first day of life.  Then how loud and demanding she was as a toddler.  Oh, that little one sure gave me a run for my money.  She's still a whiner because she is very sensitive.  She also has a sweet, compassionate heart who cares so much for others.  I know she will do great things with her life.  Brianna, I'm so proud of you!  Here's to the teenage years!  Ahh!  Teenager?  I'm struggling with that.  

Every year we give our kids a choice if they want to have a party or go somewhere special for the day.  This year she wanted a party with friends.  We made a decision to have it at a roller skating rink and she celebrated with about a dozen friends.  The night before she made cupcakes for the party.  Half chocolate, half yellow.  This girl loves to bake.  Brooke loves to watch hoping a crumb will fall to the floor.  

Even with the expense, it was nice to have a party somewhere I did not have to worry about entertaining or cleaning.  Her and her friends seemed to have a blast, even though some of them (including my kids) were not avid skaters.  My parents came along to watch.  

On the day of her actual birthday we spent most of  it at home relaxing and enjoying each other's company.  While I was at a quick morning meeting for work Rob took the kids to get donuts for breakfast.  Then we hung out until her hair cut appointment.  

After my son finished his cross country practice we grabbed Subway for dinner (birthday girl request) and had a picnic at a nearby lake.  We were joined by a very friendly duck who insisted we share our subs with her (or him?).  

Then we were back home for cake and presents.  My talented husband is always making cakes for the kids' birthdays and this year she requested an ice cream cake.  Not bad for his first time making an ice cream cake.  

I now have two teenagers in the home.  No more babies.  No more small children.  Two teenagers becoming more independent, unique in their own ways, and opinionated.  I struggle with missing their younger stages but I do enjoy what it is now.  


  1. Happy 13th birthday to Brianna.
    I wouldn’t feel bad that you didn’t do everything on your summer list. You did what did - no use regretting over what you didn’t. That’s life.
    I’m sentimental so I struggled with that with mine; wanting to do as much as possible to ensure for them awesome memories. Guess what? It didn’t always happen. Now my youngest will be 40 next month and both him and his brother are so grateful how they were raised and thank me! That wasn’t always the case when they were teens. Seemed I couldn’t always make them happy. Oh well.
    I hope your two teenagers have great school year!
