Wednesday, August 7, 2024

An Intense End to Summer Vacation

 It's been a busy week so far in my home.  How about you?

What started with me trying to locate something my son was missing that he needed for band camp on Monday turned into me going through his room and removing all clothes that no longer fit, and reorganizing his drawers because he stuffs everything everywhere instead of its designated spots.  Messes give me anxiety and my kids seem to have little to no interest in helping out.  I've said it before but I'll say it again, these teen years are a struggle.  

But there's also good to enjoy, too.  My son is halfway through a full week of band camp.  Ten hour days of learning his marching steps while blowing his trumpet.  It had been a long time since he played his trumpet but he seems to have picked it up again quickly.  They are supposed to perform for parents on Friday night and I can't wait.  It reminds me of when I was in the high school color guard.  

But will there be a Friday performance?  Monday was a sunny, hot day for band camp and Tuesday was mostly sunny until an afternoon rainstorm appeared.  Then it continued to storm all night and it's forecasted to continue until Friday night/early Saturday.  After a dry summer we need the rain but this mama needs to watch her kids in their first band performance together.  My daughter, who plays the clarinet in the middle school band, gets to join in for part of it.  

But the rain ... so much of it.  Tomorrow we're expected to see some remnants of Hurricane Debby come to us.  I can tell you, a certain husky isn't thrilled at all.  She hates being wet, yet insists on being outside.  

And being in the midst of so much noise around me pertaining to the upcoming election mixed with trying to figure out how I'm going to get through all that needs done in the next two weeks before school I came across this picture as I browsed Instagram this morning.  There is nothing better than reading the actual Bible but I appreciate when social media throws these reminders at me, too.

I booked a skating party for my daughter's birthday party.  She's really excited and I'm glad I won't have to host anything at my house.  Home birthday parties were easy when they were smaller but figuring out how to entertain a bunch of thirteen year olds was giving me anxiety so this seemed better.  My daughter is invited to a friend's birthday party that is also on the same day as my father's birthday.  I have yet to tell him and I feel bad about it.  I'll still do what I can to do something for him.  Being the only family member here in Pennsylvania for them has been overwhelming.  I'll reach out to see if my siblings want to take a trip to see him that weekend but I doubt they will.  It's a 5 hour drive from Long Island and they are all as busy as I am.  It's been another added anxiety for me, especially when my dad makes remarks making me feel bad for not being around much, but I do what I can do.  My kids are active and it would be unfair to take away all the things that interest them.  So, what do I do?  I also have to get a physical for work, do more school shopping, get through the home clutter, and so on.  Breathe!  I read some of the blogs of women who are stay-at-home moms homeschooling and living a more relaxed slow moving life.  Oh, how I envy that.  This introvert is struggling, I can tell you that.  Remembering to breathe.  Surrendering it to God.  


  1. Oh how I remember the stress of my 3 boys when in middle and high school. I also had a daycare in my home as well. So many activities and trying to make it all work. At that time I was also a divorced mom. But now that I’m older, I look back at those days with fondness. Once you get out of that period, you find you miss it - not the stress but the activity my sons were in. Soccer games, baseball, football and basketball.
    There’s a season for everything! You’re in a hectic season but it won’t always be like that.
    Your dog not wanting to be in the rain made me laugh. I have a lab who loves to swim - loves the snow but I have to practically push her outside to potty when it rains!

    1. Thanks Debby. I know someday I will miss it and I try my best to soak in the moments.
