Tuesday, August 27, 2024

So Much To Do ...

It's 9 o'clock in the morning and I've already managed to get some things done and before I continue on with a day of housecleaning and running this one here and that one there I thought I'd take a moment to pause.  While my husband and kids are working their butts off in work and school I feel guilty when I sit mine down to blog.  There is so much to get done around the house from laundry, to sweeping and dusting, to grocery shopping and meal planning, yard work, reorganizing, decluttering and so much more and yet here I am just soaking in a few moments of peace.  I miss my family when they are gone but I also enjoy the quietness.  I spend an hour in the morning driving students to school and then I'm back at it for another hour in the afternoon.  Even with this part-time job it still feels like I'm a full-time housewife.  It still counts, right?  While I'm alone I will either put on some music, or listen to my Bible app or a podcast/YouTube video while getting the cleaning done.  But taking these moments to write either on the blog or something on Word feels therapeutic.  Writing has always been my escape.  

My kids seem to be off to a good start with school.  At least, they aren't doing any complaining.  Matthew has been staying after for cross country practice and last Friday was the first time he got to perform with the marching band during the season opening football game.  It felt like a full circle moment as I remembered my time with the high school marching band in the 1990s, although I was in the colorguard.  He plays trumpet.  

We were supposed to meet my niece and her family who were camping in Gettysburg last weekend but they were all sick.  So, we spent the evening in Gettysburg anyway.  We did not visit the battlefield this time but we did enjoy a little shopping and dinner at a buffet.  It was disheartening to find out General Pickett Buffet had closed down, we enjoyed many meals there over the years.  We did find another one a few miles down the road that we did not even know existed.  It was located on the bottom floor of a hotel that looks like a barn.  

I don't have many pictures taken from the weekend.  I'm trying to just soak in the moments by being in the moment but sometimes I need to remind myself that it's great to have those pictures to document for memory sake.  Any time I take a picture my kids will ask, "Are you going to put that on Instagram?" Last night when I asked my husband for the picture of the restaurant he asked, "Is this for the blog?"  Ha ha!  Okay, yes then!  

Now it's time to get my butt into gear as I try to figure out how to get it all done.  Being a housewife and mother is filled with chaos but, nevertheless, I'm grateful for it all.  I'm thankful for this life.  

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